September 4

Easy Does It: Tarot Forecast, Sept 5 – 11, 2016


I’ve been nurturing a new practice of late, looking to lift my personal vibration. Tuning and turning up my connection, you know? Becoming more sure-footed in knowing and consciously, deliberately guiding my emotional state rather than leaving it up to the whims of whatever conditions I’m observing. Fostering a less conditional, more internal brand of happy. Intentionally setting my tone and looking for confirmation of it. As you expect and look for confirmation, it turns it up.

If you do this for a while, you’ll notice things. You’ll begin to see the output of your vibration in what shows up in your life and how smoothly things work out. Not everything shows up in the form you’d want–but “problems” become far less problematic and more just part of the road. Less emergency, more Universa- GPS reroute. More faith and more knowing, it IS all alright, always.

We’re all always on the path but sometimes? The Universe provides us a shortcut through some muck. But it doesn’t mean we’re not still traveling.

Hold in your mind the image of a feather, slowly drifting to and fro from the sky. The feather floats this way and that, based on how the breeze is blowing. If you want that feather, you can either watch and lightly wait for it to land. Or you can try to chase it down coming in like gangbusters–the faster you run and grasp, the more likely all that motion is going to cause that feather to float the other way and maybe elude you.

EASY does it. Watch the feathers come down softly and then go over and pick it right up. That’s how you handle this week.


As you might expect in eclipse season during a Mercury retrograde period, there’s a clear sense here of rethinking and reviewing a whole lot. I’d advise a slower pace this week, building in plenty of time to recoup and relax into the flow. This will net much better results than acting out frustrated impulses.

[bctt tweet=”Take action in the EMOTIONAL state you want to carry through outcome #LOA #OnMyRadar” via=”no”]

Monday, Two of Swords: Take your time as you move forward today, and don’t speak or act on a decision until you have a clear, emotional indication of which route to go. Meaning, make the choice that gives you the most positive emotion as you’re mulling it over. The energy you bring into the decision will carry through to the results.

Tuesday, Six of Pentacles: This is a great time for generosity–even (especially) the kind that doesn’t require you cracking open your wallet. Give freely of good intention, benefits of the doubt for all, assuming the best, and taking nothing but love “personally.” This advice works best when applied from the inside first, going out. Start in the mirror and then share, share, share the good will.

Wednesday, Six of Swords: Possibly tired and a bit worn down, we’re still getting where we’ve intended to go.  You job is to just keep doing what you’re doing and take good care of yourself in the process. Anything that makes you laugh is particularly potent medicine right now.

Thursday, Justice Rx: Be aware the inclination to get all wrapped up in what’s “fair” and “right” and “should be” today. Honestly? It may cross your brain more than once, but pretty much nobody sports righteous indignation gracefully. It’s just not that graceful and it usually feels pretty crummy. Don’t look to re-calibrate the world and try to force others to fit into your idea of balanced and rightness. Recalibrate yourself, get your own bearings and stay solidly rooted in your own energy. The balance needed is within, always.

Friday, Eight of Cups: In this, some may see sadness or not caring anymore. Me? I see freedom, big and bold freedom. There’s been an undercurrent of bother this week about how the rest of the world is not doing as it “should” and therefore, it somehow falls upon our shoulders to set the world straight. That’s a futile and ugly endeavor if ever I saw it. A sweet release of all this baggage makes it so much easier to just BE who you want to be without bothering about whether the rest of the world is who you want them to be. You know? With that approach, you can continue on your own journey unimpeded by baggage that is not of your packing.

Saturday, Ace of Swords Rx: Less thinking, more feeling. Less talking, more listening. Less planning, more adapting. FEEL your way through today.

Sunday, High Priestess: Make sure you give yourself a chance to plug in and feel good! Imagination and visualizations are especially powerful right now. Get yourself in a good-feeling place and play with ideas of what you’d like to manifest in your life. Then allow inspirations to come as they will over the next few days. Quiet downtime, nature breaks and naps are all potential sources of wonderful inspiration.

Overview/Advice, Page of Pentacles Rx, Strength: Strength popped out of the deck before I started to throw cards, so I added her as a modifier to the advice section. This is a perfect combination for Mercury retrograde, when plans and communications tend to go a bit wonky. Gentle, persistent patience is what’s required this week! A light touch, but coming back to double check all that’s important to you. Understand you may have to do and redo a little here and there, so expect it and remain calm throughout. That will get you there.


Affirmation: I can create my world as I choose. I know, I know. “Why would I create this?” That’s what some would ask.

No matter what your situation, how you look at it–how you think about it and hence, how you come to feel about it–completely determines the emotional tone of the experience. If a thousand people share an experience of the same event, there will be a thousand and two different experiences of that event. (A couple are gonna be wafflers, man.) Your emotional experiences are INTERNAL, not asserted upon you from the outside world. And that is how you begin to create your world as you choose it. Funny thing about that, though. As you line up the energy to experience what you’ve got in the best, most optimistic way that you can? The external circumstances begin to line up to match.

How you doing out there?

Radiant Rider-Waite® in a Tin for the draw this week, punctuated by Abraham-Hicks Well-Being Cards.. Get my book, Everyday Tarot Archives here, or hit me up for a consult. ♥

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Abraham-Hicks, Ace of Swords, Affirmation, Eight of Cups, High Priestess, Justice, Page of Pentacles, Radiant Rider Waite, Six of Pentacles, Six of Swords, Strength, Two of Swords

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