May 22

05/22/12: Earth Mother | Empress, Prince of Discs



To what do you give birth?

The Empress (Venus) doesn’t just show up for Mama, though. She signals any kind of birth. A new lifestyle, a new persona, or a new work of art coming into being may each be an expression of the Empress. Think pregnant. And no matter the form she takes in Tarot decks, pretty much every interpretation of the Empress is graced with fertile, lush surroundings. It’s not just birth she promises, but abundant, fruitful creation.

Paired with the Prince of Discs (aka Knight of Pentacles, Air in Earth), we’re talking real-world manifestation. The flowers are coming into bloom! That’s lovely. Don’t forget to tend them, feeding and watering, never losing sight of the never-ending detail work. It’s what makes those flowers grow strong and tall, you know. Right action at the right time.

On the flip side, maybe you aren’t doing much mothering—so perhaps some self-care would serve instead. If you drive, drive, drive yourself relentlessly, it makes for a little crazy. Everybody both needs and deserves some gentle, loving care. Doesn’t have to be heavy-hitting, all encompassing shifts here. Little moments, small gestures, make a very big difference.

Do you feel this energy in your life?

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Knight of Pentacles, The Empress

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