Have you ever consulted “Dr. Google” for some physical malady and left a search session convinced you have some bizarre, debilitating disease? The later at night, the more tired and stressed you are, the more dire the diagnosis. That is this week, right there. Late and night and Dr. Google is lying.
Uh, not that I would know anything about that. Har!
This layout strikes me as describing a rather uncomfortable week, but not in the objective sense as much as it looks subjectively uncomfortable. It’s perception, thinking, wants versus needs that seem to be featured here. It’s what your just-a-touch-neurotic head says versus what the facts suggest. There is extra attention to the body with the repetition of Pentacles, but also reassurance due to two clear indications of physical soundness despite potential anxiety (Lovers and Four of Pentacles in health positions). Actually, this looks to be a really good time to pay attention to taking care of physical needs, as I think it will provide a solid payoff this week. It would definitely help calm jazzed up nerves, of which we have plenty. The potential pitfalls are more of the mental variety.
Monday, Lesson – Ten of Pentacles: The riches are in the lessons, starting today but also through the week, and I’m not talking community college. Are you taking notes? Every prick of pain has a potential goldmine of information for you.
Tuesday, Friends & Family – Devil reversed: Everyone around you is struggling with their own demons, although the hold may not be as tight as they (or you) think. There’s an opportunity for those close by to toss off some shackles, overcome some form of limitation or an addiction. There’s also opportunity to sink deeper in. It’s all in the choices.
Wednesday, Mind – Ten of Swords: OVERWHELM! Too many thoughts rattling in the brain today. What to do? Step back from the electronics, for one. Ground and get some quiet time. Deep breathing is your friend. Natural settings soothe. Journal it out if it helps. Or talk it out – did you know the Ten of Swords is associated with Gemini? Not dissin’ our Gemini brothers and sisters, for sure! But overwhelm is a very Gemini possibility, man. Talking helps decompress.
Thursday, Health – The Lovers: Your health is fine today, but it also maintains harmony with your behavior. Be mindful of fostering the sort of physical well-being you want by choices consistent with that outcome. Also? Be kind to your body. Treat it like a beloved companion. Isn’t it?
Friday, Present – Ace of Pentacles reversed: This looks to me like the check (you’d preferred to have already received) is still in the mail…a financial gain, but a little slow for your tastes. Not quite there. It’s coming. Patience would be good choice because really—what option to you have? Embrace what you cannot change and you’ll be happier for it.
Saturday, Problem – The Hermit: Do not isolate yourself, but also do not blindly accept someone else’s opinion over your own on matters pertaining to the self. YOU are the ultimate expert on you. You can seek input but draw your own, personal and unique conclusions.
Sunday, Body – Four of Pentacles: This signifies a physical stability, even if perception is wrought with worry. Lay off Dr. Google for the day and just pay attention to self-care, okay? That choice will never treat you wrong.
Advice/Overview – Page of Wands Reversed: Plenty of opportunity to step back, slow down and take your time. Do not rush! Do not fret or panic or charge ahead. Throughout the course of this week, there will be two doors available: Just a minute, I’ll figure it out and full-on panic mode.Take the first one, damnit!
Affirmation – What do you love? Do you love feeling healthy more than sneaking chocolate cake? This week, we cannot expect to have our cake and eat it, too. Choices must be made. Confusion is easier to manage setting priorities. Set those priorities and let them guide you.
See, this kind of worry is creating the experience of problems that are not currently in physical manifestation. That’s the essence of “consulting Dr. Google.” The focus on the worst-case makes you feel worst-case, even if you’re not worst-case. So don’t run that worst case around over and over in your head. That’s the point all week, and it’s going to be most potent surrounding earthy matters—practical everyday concerns like money or health or time management. Don’t look for crisis. Look for choices and take care of yourself in the meantime.
Damn. Tarot is looking at me again!
Could you stand to lay off consulting Dr. Google?
Schedule a session with Dixie.
This has been particularly helpful this week. Thank you! I really enjoy this weekly format and haven’t said so in a while.