April 26

Do and Process: Weekly Flow Tarot, Apr 27 – May 3


Weekly Flow Tarot Forecast

It can take weeks, months, or years to fully grasp the impact of transitional events. This week looks sort of like one of those “getting it” weeks to me. I’m seeing a call to surrender, letting the Universe have it’s way. I mean, it’s going to anyway. So do you want to be swimming upstream against that?

The Tarot Tens are really jumping out and saying, “Hello!” Tens can be an almost overwhelming vibe in Tarot, as they are the culmination of much energy built up and manifest in the solid, signaling endings that ultimately are what allow for new beginnings.

That means we’re still in our cleaning and purging cycle. We have mostly wands and swords, so we’ll be splitting up energy between thinking and doing. Do and process, do and process.

Monday, Heartache and Loss – Two of Cups: Well, Ouchie Monday, right there! I don’t think we’re  talking about actual loss of love. This looks more like feeling lost, sadness over an emotional disconnection or missing someone. Feeling an absence of some sort. And while there is discomfort, there are also advantages. Very helpful to realize this–or realize the feeling is coming from within, if that’s the case.  One of my keywords for the two of cups is “harmony.” How does the feeling of harmony factor in to your life, right now?

Tuesday, Partnership & Alliance (Sacral Chakra, Throat Chakra) – Queen of Wands: I didn’t pull out the chakra cards from this deck and they wanted to come out and play. So, especially in all joint ventures, speak clearly, speak true and speak from the heart. Consider what gives you joy and feeds you creatively as relevant! This Queen is a very passionate woman, true to her identity and ideals.  She means what she says. So that’s your goal for today: say what you mean and mean what you say.

Wednesday, Movement, Choices, Decisions – King of Wands Reversed: Progress has that pesky habit of not abiding by your timetable. Nothing to do but feel gratitude for what you’ve got thus far and keep rolling with it. The King of Wands always lands on his feet, eventually! Spend some time feeling good about progress before making decisions today. This helps shift your energy into a positive frequency, which leaks all over to everything you do in that state. It’s actually a pretty cool trick.

Thursday, Recognition and Reward – Ten of Swords: Acknowledgment from the heavy lifting you’ve done in the past. This can be external – serving as an inspiration through your battles. Or internal, as in seeing the incredible gifts you’ve managed to extract from tumultuous transitions. Acknowledge what has made you so much stronger.

Friday, Disruption – Ten of Pentacles Reversed: May be a minor disappointment with a family member, or feeling like a partial disappointment to your own family. Don’t sweat this too much. Even reversed, this is a very positive card. It’s possible the disappointment is imaginary, even. Another way this could manifest with someone’s “perfect family” or “perfect life” that really isn’t. Keep in mind, perfection isn’t a realistic goal to strive for…improvement is. Excellence is attainable.

Saturday, Power – Ace of Swords: Rescued from any of the week’s fears, doubts or disappointments by the Ace of Swords: one clear idea. A single thought, understanding or concept can really give you power right now. If you’re not sure where to find it, give yourself some quiet time to listen.

Sunday, Conflict & Defeat – Ten of Wands: Are you overcommitted, overbooked or overwhelmed? Damn. This combo really makes me want to eat some comfort food and follow up with a nap. Consider that an official recommendation.

Overview/Advice – Seven of Cups: External appearances may be misleading…or not. That’s the thing. You don’t know! Sometimes, what feels like the worst thing in the world ends up becoming your greatest blessing. Sometimes that beautiful blessing ends up having unmanageable baggage. The key to getting the most out of whatever life experiences come your way is practicing detachment.

Affirmation: Archangel Raphael: “Give your cares and worries to us angels, and allow us to take your burden.” Now, whether you believe in literal angels or not, you can still release your fears to God, or the Universe, or the fates, or your higher self–whomever or whatever you consider as the powers that be.

This week is a call to gain perspective. We’re reaching for a new clarity on old business and there is no way to do that AND stay married to your current storyline, driven to maintain a certain narrative. Instead, observe and release. Observe and release. Allow whatever feelings that arrive to surface and let them flow through (and out) of you. That’s the way you make leaps forward. You cannot jump way ahead if you’re holding up the wall where you stand.

[Dixie: Specializing at torturing metaphors until they scream, all for your reading pleasure.]

If you’re ready, the light could really come on this week. It won’t come through struggle, though. It will come via surrender, allowing clarity to emerge on it’s own time, wading through the outgoing reality until you make it through to the other side.

Do and process, do and process.

How’s your week looking?

You know, it’s been a while since I’ve done anything with the Transparent Tarot and I miss it. That deck is incredibly direct, and it can just sing sometimes. So I’ve been thinking about doing some work with it.

And I just realized that my website forms were NOT working right…ack! Once I fixed that up, I decided to do a special to celebrate.

So for at least a week, I’m taking focused questions for a Transparent Tarot to do it’s bang-on magic, $20. 

Find out about getting a mini-reading here.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Ace of Swords, King of Wands, Queen of Wands, Seven of Cups, Ten of Pentacles, Ten of Swords, Ten of Wands, Two of Cups, Zombie Tarot

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