I have been known to…go my own way. Have my own (unusual) take on the world. Live according to my own rules.
It’s not a recipe for lacking accountability. Because my rules? They’re stringent enough.
But they are rules I can LIVE with. I do the best I can. And some days, that best is better than others. But it’s always my best.
Next week, do the best you can. Live by your own rules, but understand what–and more importantly, WHY those rules are. And for the situations where you feel like you have no outs? Well for those, do a little magic work.
In general, we need to stay busy in the coming week. Doing our thing. The week also looks like the perception is HEAVILY influenced by our attitude, so keep the attitude in focus. There’s a strong call to march to your own tune–provided you can justify why you chose that particular song.
Thusfar, I haven’t checked the astrology to cross reference Josi’s take on the week, but I’ll be doing that next. Wouldn’t be surprised to see some similarities though. I wait until after I’m done most of the time so I’m not unduly influenced. My own tune, man.
Here’s the video version, or read text version below.
For those of you who prefer the written word or just need a quick check later in the week, below are the crib notes.

Monday, Page of Wands – Take action! Don’t just make a to-do list, but mark stuff off of it!
Tuesday, Ace of Pentacles rx – Understand there might be some delays. That’s why you need to get started. Refinement will be required.
Wednesday, Ten of Cups rx – Upright is nicer, but we can still work with this. If you have 9 things to be happy about and one thing to be bothered by, don’t focus on that one bothersome thing.
[bctt tweet=”Set aside what’s not perfect in your life to focus on what you love. That turns it up.”]
Thursday, Nine of Pentacles – Not that bad! Learning is favored, and a great time to study and pick up a new skill. Hands-on practice will be especially effective.
Friday, Hierophant rx – Take an unconventional approach. Know the rules and understand them so you can “bend a few rules” and push some envelopes.
Saturday, King of Wands rx – Don’t cram your viewpoint down anybody’s throat. Passion is awesome. But not too pushy. Too pushy backfires.
Sunday, Five of Pentacles rx – There’s a hesitation in asking for needed support and possibly exaggerated feeling of lack. To a certain extent, it’s a false scarcity. Review if the lack is real, or more representative of something you’d prefer not to chase.
Overview/Advice – 7 of Wands: Make your own decisions, but be prepared to justify them.
Affirmation: Magick! Make your own magick by aligning everyday actions with magickal intentions. Whatever you feel is outside your control, well take physical action symbolic of what you want to manifest, with intention. It really does help!
Have you been finding yourself trying to swim against the tide?
This week’s forecast features the Cosmic Tarot. If you dig it, you’d probably like the book, Everyday Tarot Archives. If you’d like your own private Tarot consult, give Dix a holler.