May 20

After it Dies: Tarot, May 22 – 28, 2017


There’s that moment, when you just know without question, something in your life is getting ready to implode. It’s a sick feeling in the pit of the stomach, full of fear and uncertainty. It’s unmistakable and inescapable.

Some of us stubborn sorts don’t accept what we haven’t plotted unless we have no choice. (I mean, that’s my theory, anyway. HAR!) But there are those times, no amount of duct tape is gonna hold it together and all you can do is accept.

You accept because you don’t see any other choice.

But so much of the time–dare I say almost always?–that very feeling portends the most direct path to the next, best step. It provides a clarity that the thickest fog of denial cannot obscure. It cleans out the much of what’s not working or ready for transformation.

Even if it’s not what you wanted. Even if you did everything you could think of, to fix and repair and prop up  and mitigate and delay and avoid. Even if you would give anything you could to change it. Sometimes, momentum progresses beyond our ability to steer.

And when that happens? You feel your feelings, and let them flow. And you look for bits to appreciate. Bittersweet as they may be, those nuggets of appreciation you can find in the chaos will save you.

[bctt tweet=”Look for bits to appreciate in chaos. They will save you. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]

Tarot has sense of humor. Don’t let anybody tell you any different. Last week, it was “Let it Die.” This week? We’re in the grieving process with the Five of Cups.

In this video, I take a very brief look at grief.

Are you feeling this? Because for just a minute more, I’m still offering bulk session time at $50/hour; you use it however and whenever you want. It’s especially nice for my regular folks to save a little or for someone who would like to work with me as affordably as possible. Just Paypal me here with how many hours you’d like to reserve. It’s a minimum of one hour ($50) for this option, please.

And be well out there!

This week’s forecast features The Gilded Tarot and one befuddled Dixie, who was hoping for an easier card this week.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Five of Cups, Gilded Tarot, Video

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