November 3

Devil Reversed: Releasing the Tether


Recently, I heard myself telling one of my Tarot peeps to imagine positive potential outcomes as well as the negative ones. Give optimistic expectations as much airtime as the pessimism demands. At least acknowledge the possibility things could go RIGHT as well as wrong.

In practice, life always provides some of both: what we want and what we don’t. But if we focus near-exclusively on what we don’t want, visions of it dominate our perspective and keeps us tethered to a very uncomfortable spot. It feels like being stuck.

Next week, there is a way to cut the tether.

Next Week in Tarot

The forecast is the Devil reversed. Advice is the Nine of Swords plus the reversed Queen of Cups. Because as advice, the Nine of Swords needed a little clarification. All from the mini Radiant Rider Waite deck.

Expect a somewhat chaotic week – you might not know which end is up! (Yeah, we see you Mercury Retrograde.)

Good news here? The reversed Devil generally presents a potential for escape. In case you’ve got a case of deja vu here, remember this is still on from last week.

Here, the escape happens through acknowledging current feelings: good, bad and ugly. Ultimately, you’re looking to make the thoughts that spawn the feelings of  a given moment more conscious. If it’s a conscious thought, you have choices which way to lean it.

An awareness helps establish emotional distance from beliefs that are doing little more than making life harder. Feelings of not-enoughness visit almost everyone., But these unpleasant emotions can operate like emotional sludge, heavy, weighing us down. They’re like a tether to the ground, inhibiting flight.

In any ways that you may feel stuck this week, question your assumptions. Where are they coming from? Are they accurate, or do they have to be? Would you use the same narratives regarding someone you love as you are using for yourself? (‘Cause being loving to yourself is a good idea, always.)

There’s a very good possibility that establishing some emotional distance from ugly self-narratives will over you an exit ramp in the form of a more self-supportive perspective. Take it!

Want to discuss your situation? Give me a holler for a private consultation.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Nine of Swords, Queen of Cups, Radiant Rider Waite, The Devil

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