March 8

03/09/14: Déjà Vu Decisions/ 2 of Pentacles


Two of Pentacles

The Psychic Tarot Oracle is about as non-traditional as you can get in a Tarot deck while still calling it a Tarot deck—or at least I call it one. Here, the Two of Pentacles arrives as “Movement, Choices, Decisions” paired with “What to Take from the Past” for our daily.

I’m going to say the question of the day is, “How’d that work out for you?” In deciding what to do NOW, look at what you did BEFORE. You’re being presented with a chance not to make the same mistakes. And you can bet there are decisions on deck right now.

Analyze choices you’ve made in the past for nuggets of wisdom in the present. Got it?

You facing déjà vu decisions?

The Psychic Tarot Oracle

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Deck of 1000 Spreads, Psychic Tarot Oracle, Two of Pentacles

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