January 18

Death Rx: Not Done


Humans have this funny little habit of believing that whatever they see, right here and now, indicates the entirety of what they ever will see.

We do it with situations. With relationships. With jobs. With everything! As if the world something but an ever-evolving, constantly moving, dynamic entity.

Every moment we live is nothing more than a snapshot in time. Next week, it would be a good idea to be mindful of that fact.

Next Week in Tarot

Outlook this week is Death reversed, with advice of the Ten of Cups and Six of Wands, both reversed. These colorful cards are from the Crystal Visions Tarot.

I see Death reversed as heralding a general deconstruction. In terms of a weekly forecast, I’d expect to see situations that have previously been entrenched now sort of pulling apart at the seams. Partial breakdown or decay of existing systems could be seen with this kind of energy.

But there is an emphasis in these cards on the idea of partial or incomplete breakdown here, not wholesale. This isn’t Death upright. This looks more like circumstances put on life support, than circumstances ready to be put to rest entirely. So we may be on the last legs of a situation, but it’s not done yet.

The advice draw this week was unexpected enough that I pulled a clarifier. Ten of Cups upright would suggest emphasizing happiness and harmony, prioritizing your relationship those you love over what happens in the outside world. An upright Six of Wands would indicate a victory. However, both these cards showed up reversed. So again, it’s not quite there yet.

Notable also are that both the advice cards also speak to emotional sorts of “wins.” The issues in play are likely to be some close to your heart in some respect. They matter to us individually.

Don’t declare victory next week over anything! Sure, appreciate your wins (and there’s likely to be some wins). And sure, take heart in any improvements you see in progress. Always, always take the time to feel gratitude for what’s going right. But the process of getting from A to B isn’t a done deal. Your participation is still important in matters that are important to you.

Work remains to be done. Attention remains to be paid.  Ongoing involvement matters here. So next week, acknowledge your wins for sure and be happy for them. I expect you’ll see plenty of encouraging signs in the days ahead. But also bear in mind, more needs to happen.

Protect your quiet time and downtime to help you stay clear, alert and connected because that’s what puts you in the best position to get that joyful energy more free-flowing. It will take some time and some engagement, but no question: it’s worth it.

Hope you all have a great week! And if you want to check in for a little help figuring out your plan, give me a holler for a private consult.

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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Crystal Visions Tarot, Death, Six of Wands, Ten of Cups

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