May 25

Everyday Tarot, 05/25/11: Emotional Radar for New Solutions / 4 of Cups


daily-tarot-forecast-4-water-osho-zenOne of the best compasses I’ve ever found for how I’m managing is emotion. It’s like reading the energy in the room—if I feel jarred and uncomfortable, reacting out of proportion to stimuli, I know something could stand shoring up. One the other hand, peace and contentment lets me know I’m staying in the flow, in sync with my desires as much as I can be.

While outside events (and the state of the sky) obviously impact stress levels, they don’t dictate how the stress is addressed. Tracking your emotional response can provide solid feedback in that regard.

cups04sToday’s Tarot Forecast is the Four of Cups, the “Lord of Blended Pleasure,” associated with the moon in Cancer. Some non-traditional decks illustrate this card with meditation; Osho Zen calls it “Turning in,” picturing a meditating woman,  connecting with the spirit realm. Or is she just turning out other voices to find her own truth? Watery patterns on her dress suggest a complete immersion in  the internal, ethereal realm.

Since Tarot Fours refer to static situations, this card sometimes appears alongside a feeling of stagnation. Are you not considering all the options, not fully tuned in, or missing an opportunity right under your nose—maybe because of emotional (cups) attachment? Even if it’s not everything you want, the familiar has a lot of comfort. Often, the path to change here (i.e. the Tarot Fives) requires you to consider something you haven’t up to this point.

emotional-waves-tarot-water-elementAs you’d expect for a Moon in Cancer card, emotions are the prime avenue of communication here—and protection. Where do you over or under-react? Where is the water not flowing freely in your life? Where do you feel stagnant or tired? This is the energy that needs attention. Uncomfortable feelings are an early warning system that can guide you where to focus light.

With the Four of Cups, needed insight IS available. You just may have to look outside your typical avenues before it hits your radar. You know when you’re getting warm by how it feels—relief, peace, or excitement, the internal “click,” or anything that amps up your positive expectations helps you know you’re plugged into the right energy stream for progress.

Does your emotional state provide you valuable feedback?

Osho Zen Tarot Set
by US Games

Schedule a consultation with Dixie.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Four of Cups, Moon in Cancer, Osho Zen, Tarot Cups, Tarot Fours

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  1. Hah! I read them in order, instead of starting with todays! See my comment on yesterday’s for how absolutely ON TARGET this is for me!

  2. Hah! I read them in order, instead of starting with todays! See my comment on yesterday’s for how absolutely ON TARGET this is for me!

  3. I love this… it’s so perfect. Maybe it should be so obvious, but I needed to hear it stated like that.

    Seeking and searching for positive emotions that feel like warm waves – in alternative avenues.

    1. I don’t think something has to be complicated to be profoundly helpful. The first time I heard the “check your emotions” advice, I was floored. It was so simple but resonated so clearly, I wondered why I hadn’t thought of it before…

  4. I love this… it’s so perfect. Maybe it should be so obvious, but I needed to hear it stated like that.

    Seeking and searching for positive emotions that feel like warm waves – in alternative avenues.

    1. I don’t think something has to be complicated to be profoundly helpful. The first time I heard the “check your emotions” advice, I was floored. It was so simple but resonated so clearly, I wondered why I hadn’t thought of it before…

  5. I am terrible at turning inward, checking emotions for direction, probably because I fundamentally distrust them (insecurity at a deep level). It’s something I’m working on but it’s SO. HARD. for me. to operate or move from anywhere that isn’t intellectual or rational. I know that is the direction I need to face and it no doubt holds the answers but trusting the wisdom I find there, even hearing it, is a challenge for me.
    Thanks Dixie!

  6. I am terrible at turning inward, checking emotions for direction, probably because I fundamentally distrust them (insecurity at a deep level). It’s something I’m working on but it’s SO. HARD. for me. to operate or move from anywhere that isn’t intellectual or rational. I know that is the direction I need to face and it no doubt holds the answers but trusting the wisdom I find there, even hearing it, is a challenge for me.
    Thanks Dixie!

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