March 31

Crafting your Life | Tarot Forecast, Week of 4/3 – 4/9/17


I once had an astrologer tell me that if she didn’t already know me, she’d think I was crazy (due the insane amount of Mercury’s influence in my chart). I laughed for days about that.

No denying I’ve got a touch of the crazy–the good kind that is; it’s entertaining crazy. Not the scooting-over-on-public-transit kind of crazy. My flavor of crazy would be welcome at parties. If I went to parties.

Basically once my thoughts get really moving, it’s like a barreling train. NOTHING is going to stop that train, or so it feels. The ideas! The plans! The inspiration! I want to do this and that and that and that other thing. Wouldn’t this be great?!? It goes all over the place and it moves very, very fast. It’s a wonderful ride.

Until I put the brakes on myself, that is.

How? What if this or that happens? How can I avoid this problem that I don’t yet have?

That bucket of cold water gets dumped right onto my steam engines, ending the thrill ride prematurely. I don’t fault myself because it’s never been intentional, but I do try to catch myself now. Because those little blasts of “crazy” are not only exhilarating, but the inspirations are priceless to me. The are a true expression of who I really am. Not to mention, it’s a whole Hell of a lot of fun.

This week, you can either put wood or water on the fire via how you steer your emotional state. 

[bctt tweet=”Just ‘do’ you; doing you is always just right. #OnMyRadar” via=”no”]

With 2 of the 3 cards I pulled being Pentacles–the Moon, the Four of Pentacles and the Three of Pentacles–we’re looking at real-world manifestations. My misreading the Moon as the Sun in the video doesn’t really impact the forecast in that the elements I was pulling was still applicable to the message I felt needed conveying. I like it when I can’t get it wrong!

The short version: Emotions first. Get stable. And then plan!

Get set, stable and firm emotionally, and then work on perfecting whatever aspects of your life that you’re focusing on now. The emotional work comes first: peace, groundedness, and centeredness. In your joy, you’ll see the world more in line with how your eternal spirit sees the world. The power of that perspective gives you tremendous leverage and “luck,” as we know it. This is exactly how you move forward.

And if you’re not feeling peaceful or you cannot find a hint of calm? Well, be okay about that, too! Wherever you’re at is where you’re at, and that’s okay too, you know? There is no way to be wrong here, no way to be “too far off the reservation” to go someplace you like. It could take a minute, if you’re not in the best headspace but it’s always, always, always possible. The Universe has many ways to deliver the goods, not just that one turn that you didn’t take back a ways. The real issue isn’t where you are right now, but only that you’re improving where you are. That’s all that matters.

You could go up or down. But choosing one intentionally is a lot better that sitting back and letting what you’re seeing out in the world decide for you.

BE the being of light and love that you are, fully. This makes your life a truer expression of who YOU are, the light of your soul. Remember that you’re crafting your life, day by day. Whatever you make at any given point will carry the energy you bring to it.

How’s your energy looking lately?

Be well!

This week’s Tarot features the Transparent Tarot, and Dixie (with a shaky video-holding hand). Get a private consult here.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Four of Pentacles, The Moon, Three of Pentacles, Transparent Tarot

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