April 2

Colored Glasses – Tarot Flow Forecast, Apr 4 – 10, 2016



You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. – Lucille Ball

You cannot give someone else what you do not have for yourself.  If you assume the worst of yourself, you’ll do the same of others, without even trying. You cannot IMAGINE they would want to be around you, despicable disaster that you consider yourself, so any lapse in connection has to be a rejection.

Not-so-nifty trick.

In fact, your experience is much more about how you feel about yourself than who anybody else is. Like when you accept the unacceptable in your relationships, in your job, in your life? While everyone is responsible for their own behavior, the acceptance bit is on you. Yes, we all have transitional times and I’m not judging you for them. But once you wake up? Realize what you’re doing. Don’t accept and internalize poison. Because it cripples you, emotionally.

To be able to give patience, kindness and faith TO others, you have to have accessh. Access is granted and grows, by cultivating those qualities in your own life, first in your relationship with yourself. You cannot give what you don’t have in abundance.

[bctt tweet=”Whatever you want to share, you must first give to yourself. “]

Tarot Forecast Apr 4 - 10 2016

Looking over the weekly flow of this forecast, I think of that old story of the blind men and the elephant. You know, where each of the blind men feels a different part of the elephant and thinks it’s something different? That one.

What you see is largely what you think you see. So decide going in, what you want your experience to be like and tailor your thinking to fit into that framing as much as possible. It’s like cleaning your glasses instead of leaving the (emotional) smudges on there, marring your perspective indefinitely. You decide, what color glasses you’re putting on this week.

Monday, Sacrifice – Three of Wands Rx: This is not going according to plan. Let go and let it happen according to…I dunno. Reality?

Tuesday, Material Harvest – Knight of Swords Rx: Lighten up on the worries and double down on the gratitude. It both feels better and will get you much, much further.

Wednesday, Accelerated Motion – Four of Swords: Don’t freak about the rate of change. Shifting is well (and perhaps suddenly) underway. There’s nothing more to do at present. So relax and let it happen.

Thursday, Transformation – The Fool Rx: The phrase that comes to mind here is, “You won’t make that mistake again.” Fair enough. Mildly ominous, but fair enough. Advice-wise, don’t keep doing what’s not working, dude. I’m hearing The Who in my head.

Friday, Suffering in Silence – Three of Pentacles: You may not see how it all fits together YET but I’m telling you, hardships endured are not without purpose. Even if you have to carve out that purpose yourself. Get what you can from it.

Saturday, Heart Chakra – Four of Cups: Potential to over-romanticize what you don’t have, either from past or future. Look to shift into the now, to whatever extent you can muster.

Sunday, Memories of Love – Hermit Rx: We are not who we are in isolation, or due a singular influence. Connect to those who have made a difference, either directly or energetically. Cut out those who hurt. Be discriminating on whom you connect with.

Overview/Advice, Discontent & Boredom Knight of Pentacles: Beware picking apart what’s basically good due to small (and irrelevant) details. Prioritize and weight your energy expenditures accordingly.

Affirmation: Change its name. Words matter. Listen to your words and wherever there is a topic you’d like to change, think of changing how you express it to better reflect your desired reality. Is it tossing a coat of paint on top of pain? Well, give it a go and see. Because I’d argue, you may want to change your glasses up.

How’s your vision looking lately?

This forecast features the Pagan Cat Tarot, with the Psychic Tarot Oracle to represent positions and the Creative Whack Pack for the affirmation. If you enjoy these forecasts, you’d probably like Dixie’s Book, Everyday Tarot Archives or better yet, a personal consultation.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Creative Whack Pack, Four of Cups, Four of Swords, Knight of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Pagan Cat Tarot, Psychic Tarot Oracle, The Fool, The Hermit, Three of Pentacles, Three of Wands

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  1. Woo-hooooooo! Yes, transformation. That Who song has been going through my head for the past few days, including the extended synthesizer solo and the yell/scream of triumphant frustration. I just took it to mean that whatever is going on externally, I can hold onto my own personal power. And I just love the photo of the glasses. For some reason, that just crystallizes the concept. Have an awesome week, Dixie!

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