We’ve got a New Moon in Capricorn (9th) and the Goat vibe is palpable right now. And this sucker is setting off all kinds of cosmic triggers. There is a definite shifting of gears.
And I’d tell you what this experience is like for me, but don’t know that I can in a comprehensible way. Words seldom fail me, but lately, they’ve felt damned inadequate. And when I try to use my words anyway, well, they often haven’t hit their mark.
The general impression I have, though, is like the past and present and future are all sort of coalescing into a very trippy piece of performance art.
What the Hell, Universe?

We’ve got a few repeats from last week. My overall impression of the coming week is climb, climb, climb. Keep doing your thing! The appearance of two Knights and two Pages is notable, though. Be on the lookout for both messages, and quick turnarounds of situations (and probably, moods) in the coming week. Keep on task, keep making plans, and take your time executing. One foot in front of the other, little mountain goat.
Monday, Page of Cups reversed: Monday blues? Don’t get hung up on it. If you stay busy, and keep bringing your attention back to task, you be able to get through just fine. Maybe watch a nice movie when you can swing it. Or a bath. Prescription: Bath!
Tuesday, Knight of Pentacles: Keep double checking your facts! Mercury is still retrograde. Detail work pays off. So keep doing it.
Wednesday, Judgment reversed: Not a good day to declare war, or bang down the gavel. Not all relevant information has come to light. So withhold judgment. Just do your thing. Not all the facts are in, so no jumping to conclusions.
Thursday, Knight of Wands: This would be a great day to go for a run. Be active, make something, cook. It’s a physical day. So it drives any physical tasks that you have. Stay focused, creative. And try to engage your passion somehow during the day. Your fire burns bright, so make use of it.
Friday, Three of Pentacles: You can pull everything together today. Like a master project planner. All the little bits and pieces are a lot more clear today. Yes obviously, Mercury is still retrograde, so not all is fine and dandy in terms of executing new plans. But you sure can work on them and review them. And Friday would be a very productive day to do that.
Saturday, Six of Wands reversed: Yes, you can get some stuff done today. But it’s not gonna be as much as you planned or wanted to. If you can accept that going in, you’re gonna be much happier with the results.
Sunday, Page of Swords: Words have power today. Even messages that you didn’t necessarily think somebody was gonna get, will probably come through clearly. Potential for bluntness, so be aware of the emotional impact. But strong communications happening today.
Overview/advice, the Fool reversed: Take your time! There is no great rush to hop right in. It’s like the an artificial sense of urgency is coming and going throughout the course of the week. You don’t need to jump on anything before you feel competent to do so. If you jump the gun, you have the potential for regrets and some type of loss. To take your time making your determinations. Yes, you will get started. Eventually. But don’t rush it.
Affirmation: We are all co-creators within a diverse universe. Everything that happens in your life becomes a part of you: you have a piece of the experience, and the experience has a piece of you entwined. So often, we tend to think that everything is all about us, or not at all about us. And it’s neither, really. We don’t have full creative license to decide what sort of obstacles we face, but we do have the ability to write our own parts to a large extent.
Write a part you can be proud of, the way you handled yourself and your challenges.
[bctt tweet=”If all else fails, keep climbing little goat. #Capricorn #NewMoon”]
Are you climbing?
This forecast features the Housewives Tarot. If you like these forecasts, you’d probably like Dixie’s book, Everyday Tarot Archives. Want a little more? Get a personal consultation.