Man. Sometimes when I do a forecast like last week’s, where the cards end up matching my own experiences so closely, I wonder if I’m missing out for you guys and inadvertently reading for myself! I am thinking, maybe I’m just riding the same wave as everybody else. I don’t know, but the cards last week? Pretty much spot on for me.
Literal Tarot is literal.
And Mercury Retrograde continues to amaze and astound me, with some stunning deja vu. I feel very good about the fact that I learned plenty the first time around and didn’t need to waffle indecisively on how to play the reruns. It’s reassuring, those kinds of reminders. It feels good to not only see, but feel actual progress. You, too?
This week’s layout reminds me of recovering from an illness or emotional hit. The week starts out on a upnote but about midweek, there’s some processing to be done. We do end up on solid ground, though, with Sunday’s Queen of Pentacles. Also notable is that four of the eight draws, literally half the cards I pulled, are court cards. That suggests personalities, perhaps of the “larger than life” variety, will play a relevant role in the week’s progress.
I would not be surprised if you are presented a clear option, midweek, of DEALING with a difficult situation versus taking a little dip in the river of denial. I won’t give you my advice because you probably already know it. But if choose to process, expect to be back on your feet by the time you’re wrapping up the weekend. Fair enough?

Monday, Nine of Cups: Again with the Nine-of-Cups-Monday! Not that I’m complaining, mind you. Expect a gift, wish to be granted or lovely surprise today. It could be tangible, or not so much, like gifts arriving in the form of kind words and appreciation. Whatever you get, be glad for it and bask a little in the gratitude. Gratitude basking is one of my favorite sports.
Happy Memorial Day!
Tuesday, King of Swords: Catch up on what needs to be accomplished. Make phone calls, pay pills, fill out paperwork, take notes, research options. This is an excellent day for cutting through red tape and taking care of business. It will go as smoothly as it’s going to, during a Mercury Rx. Besides as we all know, you cannot stop living your life based on Mercury’s antics. Life remains open for business, so take care of it!
Wednesday, Two of Wands: Choices to be made today. You can hold your own, whatever you choose so don’t let self-doubt be the deciding factor. You definitely have got this, so make the right choice for you.
Thursday, Ten of Swords reversed: On the comeback from overwhelm, or sense of great hurt and betrayal. You may well be feeling some sting, but seeing this card reversed is a good thing. It means those swords are coming out and healing is underway. Don’t try to force anything. Just let it happen.
Friday, The Moon: A dreamy, escapist quality to the day. Very little focus. More recuperation time. Drinks, naps, tunes and movie binges will all fit the mood d’jour.
Saturday, Queen of Cups Reversed: Keep those emotions in check, lest they leak all over the floor. Moodiness and sentimentality quite likely. If you spend the day with others, pick people you trust if at all possible. Love is very healing.
Sunday, Queen of Pentacles: Doesn’t the world look so much better after a good night’s sleep? It’s all that’s standing between the reversed Queen of Cups meltdown and the upright Queen of Pentacles, happy Earth mother. Eat! Better yet, feed somebody. Be kind to your body and stimulate your mind. Physical activity is a great outlet today, as is time outside. Think picnic, meditation, nature walk or even coffee on the porch.
Overview/Advice: Sacrifice, Page of Wands: You cannot have everything your way! Change what you can–or what is your business to change–and let go of the rest. Trusting others to be competent is an act of faith, a way to show respect. Don’t drive your point home too hard. Put it out there and walk away. Mind your business, and let the rest take care of itself.
Affirmation: I am willing to let go. As sparks of spirit in a physical body, we have a finite amount of energy to budget throughout our lives Spending it in fear of the future or fuming over the past is not a particularly good expenditure. It limits your true point of power: the infinite now. Forgiveness isn’t a gift you give to others. It’s a way to improve your own life, right now. Living with a loving heart, bearing no ill will, and just getting on with your life best you can is SO much more peaceful than any other option. Let go, let go, let go. Love yourself enough to let go of the hard stuff. Let any pain and unpleasantness flow through you, and love that too. As you accept it, you can release it.
How are y’all doing out there? Are you choosing to move on?