May you live in interesting times. –Unknown
If your wish is to live in “interesting times,” that wish has been amply granted in my book! But “interesting” isn’t necessarily bad. Or good.
I’m sure some would argue that point. And that’s beyond okay. It’s great! Because those arguing are playing the role they’ve chosen. And I get to play the role I’ve chosen. It’s all as it should be.
I’ve been making it a practice for a good, long while now to aim for a less “conditional” life. Meaning, I want to carry my Zen around with me, inside my heart, imprinted upon my soul. I choose to create the calm, centered space within instead of letting it be granted or denied based on what I see when I look out into the world.
Can you see how that’s the only path to freedom, right there?
Of course I have preferences. Sometimes, what I see is upsetting. But there is SO MUCH out there! The world is full of both what I would choose and what I would not. The “would not” list is more likely to make the nightly news but it doesn’t mean it’s more prevalent, statistically speaking. Bad news is not “more true.” It’s just better publicized.
So choosing where I point my attention isn’t denying truth. It’s choosing the truth I want to participate in, via attention. It’s energetically amplifying what I value. It’s loving what I find lovely instead of hating what I find hateful. There’s certainly room to approach it in others ways, but I know this feels better to me. I have control over ME and my contribution to the collective energy pool. I get to decide what I’m chipping in, here and now. And I want to chip in love.
A long time ago, I decided to make one of my central aims in life to bear no ill will. I may waver here and there, but by and large, I do pretty well in this regard and I’m happy with that. It feels right. I’m infinitely more comfortable wishing well to anyone and everyone–without taking it upon myself to define what “well” means for that matter–than trying to sort out who deserves my good intentions. I don’t know how anyone got to the place they are at, and I don’t know what will move them forward to another place. I don’t need to know. It’s not my job to know!
It’s my job to be me, the best I can. And you know what? It’s a pretty nice way to live, right there.
I know that evolution happens in the face of friction and upset. I know that beliefs frame perceptions and once beliefs stretch, there is no going back. This is how the Universe expands, you know? So no matter what is going down, all of it is contributing on more levels than we could possibly grasp. All goes to clarify and refine intentions of the collective. So while there are things in this world today I would not choose, I don’t worry about it. I don’t see anything as wrong. It’s change, in progress. The chaos will serve a purpose.
[bctt tweet=”Quantum leaps are born from chaos. Bless it all. #OnMyRadar” via=”no”]
This Week in Tarot
I was less than enthusiastic about seeing “Suppression”–the Osho Zen version of the Ten of Wands. I mean, can you say, “Depressing?” So I drew another card for guidance and on cue, Patience, aka the Seven of Pentacles followed up with some reassurance and ever-applicable advice.
I see the overwhelming burden so many are feeling now, looking around at many events they have no control over. There’s a sense of being unable to move, taking on the weight of so much. It’s heavy and depressing and also? Voluntary. It may not seem voluntary, but it is. These problems become your problems courtesy how you frame it in your head.
Patience speaks to the natural cycle of growth. In the strife now, in the midst of conflict, seeds of tomorrow are planted.
This week, I’m going to continue to let go that which is not mine. I’m going to frame all that I see as part of the natural cycle of life, understanding that no event is a discrete one-and-done, isolated from everything else. It’s all part of the grand dance of life and there’s beauty there, whether I can articulate it or not. I’m going to wish well upon the whole of humanity and I’m going to love as completely as I’m capable of loving. I’m going to decide to see the good and I’m going to find it. Maybe some of you will join me.
♥ Peace out.
This week’s Tarot features the Osho Zen Deck. You can book a personal consult if you’ve a mind to. Just give Dix a holler. And be well out there!
I’m with you 100%! ❤