October 8

10/09/13: Choice without Regrets / 2 of Wands


Two of Swords Tarot Nova

What a graphic version Two of Wands! You carry the weight of conflict and choices on your own back. Consider this carefully when you’re choosing your battles. For most any Tarot Twos, we are solidly in the area of choices, polarity and sometimes, the sense of being pulled in two directions. Today, I’m thinking of this in terms of quandary.

I’m not saying defending your stance is not worth it. It might well be incredibly worthy! I’m just saying consider the cost. (There are costs for walking away from a battle just as much as taking it up, by the way). Be prepared to carry the weight. It’s not a light, fluffy feeling I’m getting here, but it is solid and manageable.

What’s on my radar now is about retaining your wits about you. We are all faced with tests, conflicts and choices. This isn’t “bad.” It’s life!

No matter what, make your choices mindfully. Live in a way you can feel good about; live in a way you would feel comfortable defending. Do the best you know how with what you have to work with each and every day.

As I suggested recently, live as if Karma is instant and you cannot go wrong. Then no matter what happens, you will have no regrets.

Are you faced with a choice?

Tarot: The Complete Kit
by Dennis Fairchild

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Tarot Nova, Tarot Twos, Two of Swords

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