July 19

07/20/13: Charity starting at Home /rev King of Pentacles



So, Dad’s a bit upside down today via the reversed King of Pentacles. You cannot provide for those who do not want to be provided for, you know? You cannot do it all. Maybe something (or somebody) stands in your way? Maybe the “fix it” mentality is a way to avoid looking too closely in the mirror?

I don’t know which if any of these potentials might apply to you. What I can say is that efforts aimed at others “for their own good” are likely to flop about now. So rather than embarking on a crusade to fix everybody else…well, care for thyself first. Lead by example, sure, but don’t get pissed if your example isn’t followed right away.

In short, charity REALLY starts at home today. Not so much with the family, but with the self!

Are you feeling the itch to fix?

Tarot Illuminati by Eric Dunne & Kim Huggens

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King of Pentacles, Tarot Illuminati

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