April 13

Chariot & Tower Reversed: Productive Obstacles


Everyone’s life is filled with those outcomes that didn’t work as expected. I would venture a guess that the ratio of works-as-expected vs. not is minuscule. But that doesn’t mean you’re off track.

Those relationships that broke up, or the jobs that fizzled or the plans that fell apart may have been upsetting. But in the bigger picture, they become a part of the fabric of who we are and they contribute immeasurably to outcomes. How much drama and pause they offer, however, is up to you.

When what I want isn’t coming together, I find it good to remind myself that what IS happening is still useful. And that’s pretty much the topic this week.

Next Week in Tarot

Our weekly outlook is the Chariot, with advice coming in as the Tower reversed from The Good Tarot. Two major arcana cards (and especially these two) makes me think the week is likely to feel eventful and significant.

The Chariot is associated with the zodiac sign of Cancer the crab. One thing I often find with the Chariot: success is assured with follow through, but progress will be indirect. Crabs move sideways.

The black and white horses on this card (shown as Sphinxes on the traditional Rider-Waite deck) are both shadow and light–suggesting the conscious use of all forces and inclinations to guide the journey. There’s no right and wrong implied: only an overriding goal.

And the Chariot is always taking it’s rider home. It could be a new home certainly, but consider the newness as reflecting a deeper truth, a more honest rendition of identity. Things are moving ahead, even if it seems like the process is taking a very meandering course.

The reversed Tower for advice tells us not to freak out and scrap everything in the midst of trouble. Expect PRODUCTIVE disruption. Understand that what’s happening now is part of the overall process and not “certain doom,” okay?

I know. That’s easier to say than to do. But perhaps taking a step back and a few deep breaths will be helpful anyway. When is it not?

I also think it’s worth noting, the Chariot is numbered 7 and the Tower reduces to a 7 as well. Tarot sevens point to powerful force, stamina and challenge as being central to achievement.  The key to mastering the sevens is following your inner guidance and convictions, even if that isolates you from the approval of others. Definitely, Tarot Sevens are a call to follow the guidance of heart and let the rest of the world do what it will.

Slow-go is better than no-go. In the obstacles, delays, and setbacks we learn and accomplish so much that is usually vital for our ultimate success. And hey, who doesn’t want “ultimate success?”

It’s all a part of the journey, man. Accept it as such, seek it’s usefulness and the trek will be much more pleasant to traverse.

Are you seeing indirect motion?

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Good Tarot, Tarot Sevens, Tower

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