April 26

04/26/12: Mama’s Driving! | 4 Cups


“A family is a place where principles are hammered and honed on the anvil of everyday living.” Charles R. Swindoll

Mama’s driving! Today’s Tarot is the Four of Cups of the Zodiac Tarot (Moon in Cancer) –perfect for today’s Moon in Cancer.

There’s nothing wrong with taking the long way, if that’s what feeds you. Look to people, places and things that emotionally nurture you and even more, those you love. Focus on what’s important and pay attention to your driving. Where you direct your attention is exactly where you’re going to end up, you know.

If you’ve got some flowers to plant, it’s a good day for it. Or a picnic lunch with your family would be a good choice. Just remember—keep Mama happy today. And if you are Mama, well…keep Mama happy, too. But this is the Chariot, so don’t think it’s somebody else’s business to do that for you. You’re driving, Mama. If there needs to be a change in course, it’s your responsibility to do so.

Are you feeling the Mama moon?

Zodiac Tarot
by Lo Scarabeo

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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Moon in Cancer, The Chariot, Zodiac Tarot

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  1. Am I feeling the mama moon? HECK YEAH! I just got a call from my son’s girlfriend. She’s in the hospital actively in labor. I’m going to be a grandma again today!

    uh..WOOO HOO!

  2. Congrats to josi and her family.
    And Dixie… Again, Girlfriend… Right on the side of the Head. Damn! Thanks for the 2×4… it feels good and turning me in a better direction…Again.

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