I’ve been reminded lately, how much our conclusions are intertwined with the stories we tell ourselves. Sometimes, I encourage my Tarot people to worry less about whether a story is TRUE-with-a-capitial-T and more about how that story FEELS.
I don’t know how many, if any, take that advice though. It goes so counter to everything we’re taught. We are supposed to be honest with ourselves and ask the tough questions and face difficult truths and yada yada yada. Heck, I’ve probably said similar plenty of times myself.
But I’m not talking about pointing fingers at others when you’ve manifested a problem. I’m talking about filling in the blanks.
If we don’t know the full reasons for something (and c’mon, how often do we really, anyway?), we tend to extrapolate from our perspective, experiences, and unfortunately, fears and insecurities. If the conclusions we use to fill in these blanks are in sync with our perceptions, they will appear “true” or at least strong possibilities because they match where our energy is at.
That’s all fine and well, if the conclusions feel good. But if they don’t? Give yourself some poetic license to draw your own conclusions.
If someone doesn’t answer my email? I assume it’s not about me! If I don’t hear from a friend in a long time, I assume they are (happily) busy. If I don’t get something I wanted, I assume there is something better coming. If someone dislikes me, I assume it’s not really about me. You could argue I’m being self-delusional and maybe you’d be right. I don’t know. I don’t really care. What I do know is that choosing self-supportive stories means I’m a lot happier and I’ve not suffered any ill consequences for “not facing the truth.”
See, there are lots of different “truths.” There’s your truth and my truth and the scientific truth and the truth of public consensus. I’m going to pick the “truth” that best supports me. The coming week, there is a strong sense of duality and the vibes I’m getting suggest that making conscious choices about what you want to focus on can make a big difference in your overall expericence.
Next Week in Tarot

The cards for next week are The Chariot for the outlook, with Five of Cups for the advice bit, shown here from the lovely Star Tarot Deck.
There’s definitely a driven feel to the events of the coming week and duality inherent in the Chariot’s energy. He harnesses both his light and darkness (as shown by the black and white horses) to get where he wants to go.
There will be those that feel as if they’ve “won,” and those that are grieving (tangible or perceived) losses. Of course, your friendly Tarot readers always love to acknowledge the cups behind the figure in the Five of Cups. But that doesn’t mean the spilled cups still don’t pack a punch in terms of emotional blows. The Five of Cups always signals grief, any way you slice it and when you’re in the middle, you don’t want some smartass Tarot chick telling you it ain’t so bad. What you feel is what you feel.
Taken together, I want to tell you to accept whatever comes. As if you have a choice, right? I mean, you can refuse to “accept it,” but it doesn’t change anything. Feel whatever you feel about it–you can’t really help that anyway–and then, if you can, when you can, as soon as you can, allow for at least the possibility that no matter what, good can come from this.
Both cards echo the same theme: take whatever comes, whether you personally would categorize it as good or bad, and consider it to be a component of progress, transformation, and growth. It all is, you know. We cannot help but expand because it’s our nature. You can tell yourself whatever is the end of all that is good and holy. Or you can tell yourself it’s just a part of the natural process and, in the big picture, this, too, will become part of the greater good.
You don’t choose the outside events, but you DO choose the stories you tell about them. Choose well.
Need some help reorienting your story? Give me a holler for a 1-on-1. And be well out there, friends. ♥
Thanks Dix! Another great weekly reading! I swear you live in my head ’cause you’re always timely and bang on!
Hope you are doing well! Sending my love and best regards.