May 8

Queen of Swords Rx: Charged Up Air


It’s eclipse season and it’s been kicking asses. Lots of upheaval and none of it seems especially gentle. I’m mostly focused on maintaining my own equilibrium, so we’re going to be to the point this week.

Next Week in the Cards

Outlook is the reversed Queen of Swords, with advice of reversed Star. Cards are from my familiar and well-loved Radiant Rider-Waite Mini in a tin.

That reversed Queen of Swords is critical–of other people, sure, but often even more at herself. She may also misread other people’s signals and tends not to be especially generous in assumptions. So you may want to keep a step back from conflict. At the very least, ask yourself what you hope to accomplish? Because just giving out a piece of your mind doesn’t give you as much of a peace of mind as you might think, before the fact.

Anger’s better than helplessness, sure. But neither feels good. A little space can often help.

May be tension in the air. You may not be easily able to distinguish what is real. Steps forward may feel sluggish or be accompanied by a bag full of worries and a couple of meltdowns. Life doesn’t have to be nerve wracking next week–and I hope yours isn’t!–but knowing the potential is there may help you compensate..

That reversed Star tells us to breathe. Get a little distance. Look for a feeling of encouragement, however modest it may be, without focusing too much on the specifics of what will come. Just expect whatever it is to serve you.

What serves is always up to you, because it’s not an experience that transforms. It’s what we do with those experiences. 

Soothe yourself and seek to maintain the 2 B’s: balance and boundaries, best you can. Look for whatever sense of brightness you can see, and don’t fixate if it’s not about what you’d like it to be. Do the best you can with it, okay? Don’t let any pain you run across close up your heart. That’s the only way to lose.

Just love what you can and step back from the rest. And take care out there, friends.

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Queen of Swords, Radiant Rider Waite, The Star

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