You do the best you can, and then you let it go. Your best? Is good enough. It is, quite literally, ALL you can do. I always do the best I know how.
Some days, that best is decidedly better than other days. But it’s always what I’ve got. That’s how I can sleep at night.
Doing that will serve you well this week. There are plenty out there who do what they can get by with. The difference is observable, even if they think they’re fooling everybody else. We may not say anything. But we take note and don’t really trust you all that much.
Personally, I’d rather be the best-doer than the less-doer. It’s more work but my soul remains firmly intact. This week, you can be a best-doer or a less-doer. But the fires of passion burn brightest for the best-doers.
These cards strike me as being a bit like a game of Simon Says.
Simon says, “Stop. Consider.”
Okay, Simon says, “Go! Now.”
Simon Says, “Rethink, Review.”
The mood isn’t overly sweet or ridiculously harsh. But there is a very stop-and-go feel about it, and there does seem to be an awful lot going on at the same time.
I’m getting images of burning brush–not out of control fires. More like clearing out land to clean and prepare for other uses. In fact, that image may be quite useful to us this week. Think of anything “burning down” as clearing the way for repurposing the energy that structure required to maintain.
Burning bridges? Burning passions? Burning the house down? Hotheadedness? Slow burns? Fire in the belly? It could take many forms. But we’re looking at the fire.
Magick work with candles specifically and the fire element in general is favored. Fire is a great source of purification, often serving as necessary preparation for renewal. So keep that image firmly in mind if things get dicey, okay? Fire energy will bring clarity, purification and prepare for renewal. Make sure your fires are constructive.
Monday, Dedicated Effort – Ace of Swords: One thing at a time, one idea at a time. Laser sharp. Reason it out, think it through and then? ACT. Focus, think, act; focus, think, act. That’s the formula. Focus, think, act.
Tuesday, Love Abounds – Four of Swords: The gift of connected with loved ones is that you can RELAX. You’re safe. You can assume you’re being heard and seen through a compassionate filter. Provide this safety net or benefit from it or both. Because today is about finding peace in trusting the love.
Wednesday, Embrace/Sacral Chakra – Seven of Swords rx: Not much gets by the gut, unless you try to talk yourself out of your body’s wisdom. I’ll often say this, but today I’m saying it louder: do a gut check and pay attention to the feeling temperature it returns. What feeds back joy, embrace. What doesn’t, eschew. Very, very simple here. Don’t make it harder than it is.
[bctt tweet=”The gut always knows. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]
Thursday, Darkest Fears – Four of Pentacles rx: Worries of being unstable. Financial insolvency, physical instability or just flat-out crazy could be among the fears. Know they are fears, not reality. You may not be functioning at maximum capacity, but the elements of stability and sanity are already on hand. Acknowledge fears directly to give them less power. Use those fears as signposts, to where you need to shore up your personal support and self-care efforts. It’s like peeking at your life to see which seams are overstretched so you can strengthen and mend. In that way, you can let these fears become a gift, okay?
Friday, Giving & Receiving/Throat Chakra – The Hermit rx: Very clear indication to share your truth–and just as importantly, listen to truths being shared. But remember, the Hermit is not a loud, soapbox-toting kind of guy. He’s honest, yes, to a fault. But also, he’s quite soft-spoken and not judgmental. The Hermit doesn’t need to shout. His confidence comes from study, allowing him to speak with wisdom and authority. He understands not everyone is interested in or able to grasp his deeper meaning. That’s fine. It’s right, you know? It’s appropriate. The right ones will hear. Today? Say your piece humbly. Listen to others, humbly. The right ones will hear, on both accounts.
Saturday, Rebuild – The World rx: Clean up and restructuring efforts. Reorganization, streamlining, reworking processes all go well today. Starting point? Wherever something significant has been left out. Wherever we’ve been less-than-completely responsible. Whatever has been most clearly allowed to let slide. Messes can be fixed, but for the fixes to stick, you have to remain focused on doing it completely, and doing the right, responsible thing. Bigger picture perspective can guide you.
Sunday, Nurture/Heart Chakra – The Magician rx: Reach for gratitude, love and compassion, particularly with stressful or difficult situations where you feel no or little personal control. Regain balance by feeding your heart today. It’s healing energy. Drink up!
Overview/Advice, Strengthening Bonds – Queen of Wands: Throughout the course of this week, the quality of connections are on display. Be a strong ally and utilizes your allies as well. The Queen of Wands has been hanging around lately, I’ve noticed. She’s a fierce woman, no nonsense. Loyalty is among her admirable qualities. This week, look to be a loyal ally and express gratitude for your allies. The process makes you closer.
Affirmation – Fire: “Fire, the energies of the creative force in its purest form, represents purification or ‘burning away the dross.’ The Phoenix was reborn from the ashes. Honor the creative fire within. Feed your passions, fan the flames higher.” Pulling Fire for the affirmation echos the Queen of Wands advice for the week. Purity of the heart, passionate faith, and loyalty serve us well. Of course here, there is the added dimension of creative work. Got a big case of the feels? Art it out, baby! Art it out.
The answers this week lie in purification, passions and preparation for the new by burning through the old.
Are you feeling the Fire(s)?
This forecast features the Tarot Heart Oracle, the Tarot Nova, and Wisdom of the Crone divination cards. If you enjoyed it, you’d probably like Dixie’s Book, Everyday Tarot Archives, or better yet, a personal consultation.