March 25

Bucking the System? Tarot Forecast, 3/27 – 4/2/17


I was getting a quick, fun reading at a fair one day–some sort of oracle stones. The reader asked me if I was a risk taker. I’m hesitating, thinking very earnestly on the question.

“I don’t know. I don’t feel like I’m that much of risk-taker.”

“How many different colors do you have in your hair?” she asked.

We laughed, and I got her point. What is no big deal to me–hair grows out, yo–may FEEL risky to others. In this case, the “risk” was mostly disapproval from people who don’t like grown women dying their hair weird colors. But it’s a legitimate “thing.” And I know it’s perceived as risky because I cannot count the number of people who have told me they’d love to do the same if they could find the courage.

Weird hair color and blue, glittery nails on someone much too old for such silliness by conventional standards is a tiny, even trivial example “bucking the system.” But it IS bucking the system. It’s about what I value on a personal level–color and glitz that makes me happy–versus what is considered conventional or socially acceptable.

This coming week is kind of like that.

Welcome to my Tarot forecast where I do things differently every week. Ha!

The Week Ahead

The Ten of Cups and Lovers combined speak to surrounding yourself with people that harmonize with you. Not yes-men and yes-woman. Yawn! But people whom you respect and respect you. There is space for synergy by teaming up with those you feel comfortable with emotionally. Harmony will be amplified, especially early on this week. It’s a way to ground yourself in stability before dealing with anything else.

Matter of fact, being grounded may come in handy mid to late week. The Seven of Wands teamed with the Tower and suggests calling out a naked emperor! Individuals may speak up to power or established systems. There is a feeling of fighting City Hall here, where the little guy stands up to the powers that be. This seems more personal to me, not necessarily a mass protest, but individuals speaking up in smaller ways.

In other words, don’t buck the system for the sake of bucking the system. Stay firmly grounded in what’s important to YOU in your own life. This is not worrying about others nearly so much as it feels like taking care of your own business.

But the other side of this process? Justice shows up to promise fairness–not to be confused with equality. In other words, the outcomes won’t be the same for everyone, but they will be applied equally and that’s motion forward.

Obviously, this is a forecast for the collective so that energy will play out differently for different people and for some, it will be less personal than for others. But don’t be surprised to see examples of it around you as you make your way through the week.

Tarot Advice

For advice, the Four of Cups teamed with the Seven of Cups suggests daydreaming about outcomes, playing what-if. There’s nothing wrong with that game. It can be incredibly beneficial, a lot of the time, if it’s used to understand and mold your ideas and help you remain optimistic. But understand the what-if’s you’re coming up with is incomplete, as they represent a transitory phase of the situation. Outcomes will have elements of your what-if’s but it won’t be a perfect match because the information is not yet fleshed out. Your dreams are baking this week, so it’s all still in the oven. Let it bake, you know? Let it bake.

We wind up with Death–there has to be a dying off and cleansing before your dreams can move forward. There is a energetic cleaning (which can include physical cleaning, especially symbolic physical cleaning). The new we’re moving towards, of course, is the final card here, the Six of Wands. Wow, that is a resurrection, huh?

My sense overall is that this is a good thing, a helpful breakthrough of sorts. So treat it as such. If you get yourself firmly grounded and feel the support and love of likeminded individuals, clearing out what is just not right isn’t so hard and in the end, it helps you keep moving.

Hope that’s helpful to you  and that you have a great week! Take care of yourselves and be well.

You ever find yourself fighting the big guys?

This week’s forecast features the Transparent Tarot. If you dig it, you may like my book, Everyday Tarot Archives, or a personal consult.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Death, Justice, Seven of Wands, Ten of Cups, The Lovers, The Tower

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