December 11

Benefit of the Doubt: Tarot Forecast, Dec 12 – 18, 2016


My kids give me shit about my age sometimes, but truth is I don’t really care how old I am. Not that I’m going to admit that. I will tell them to shut up anyway. But in truth, I like where I am, and look to always like where I am.

Isn’t that the mark of a happy person?

Being at peace with wherever you are. Liking yourself. Knowing your life is your own and it’s worked from the inside-out. How you focus determines your experience.

Energetic weather in the wild is kinda wonky right now. At least, the way I’m feeling it. Intense, fast-moving. Ups are way high and the lows are way low and they both are shifting poles pretty rapidly. So it’s good to have some coping skills on hand.

Finding and holding your center will do you a world of good under these conditions (or any, really). What we’re shooting for here is an inner knowing that it’s okay, a sense of realizing who you are and who you want to be and that nothing can rock your peace. Your calm. Your happiness and sense of who you are.

Easier said than done? Sometimes. But it becomes easier and easier to maintain this stance, the more you practice it.

Practice when it’s easy and when conditions become less than optimal, it will be your default setting. Look for ways to feel good, as much as you can. Appreciate whatever you can. Live as happy as you can. And don’t bother with what anybody else is living. You cannot vibrate for another and you cannot force them to your perspective.

But you can look to keep your perspective as pliable and possible. You can do your best to make peace with your now, being true to who you really are. You can stay centered in your respect for yourself. Everything else will form around that core if you keep steady to that energy.

There’s a joke, where I live. “Don’t like the weather in Kansas? Wait five minutes, it will change.”

I didn’t say it was a funny joke.

But next week? It is a lot like that.

The good news in that is that whatever is utterly under your skin on one day? Probably be a non-issue within 24 hours. It’s a quick-change week, so don’t get too wrapped up in any sort of drama because it will be short-lived. That’s something to work with, huh? So let’s hit the day-by-day play-by-play.

Monday, Death: Might be a tough day. Sorry! Could even be an ugly or upsetting event in the news. In a short-term forecast, the “weightier” cards like Death don’t have the same implications as other, longer term readings, though, so no need to get overly wrought up. But do understand the day may have some heavy or difficult energy, nonetheless. It is what it is, but don’t worry about it much because why? Look at tomorrow.

Tuesday, The Sun: Pretty much the exact opposite emotional tone from yesterday. Yay! It’s a great time for fun activities. Look for things to appreciate and feel joyful, and make the most of these kind of days when you get them. Enjoy! Because that’s why we’re here.

Wednesday, Knight of Wands rx: Progress is happening, even if you feel impatient about it. I’m seeing someone tap, tap, tapping their foot. But do know we’re moving forward and call upon your patience mojo. It’s totally warranted.

Thursday, Queen of Wands: Perfect follow-up to yesterday. See? Here’s evidence of the progress we’re making. Enjoy the progress. It’s a good creative day, with lots of room for joy.

Friday, High Priestess: Action? Not so much. Turn inward, get grounded and have quiet, reflective time. Meditation is super-charged. Intuition is right on. Passive, receptive trust in your knowing. And know everything is okay.

Saturday, Hanged Man rx: Antsy feeling, like a drive to do something, do something, do something. The picture folks have conjured is not entirely clear. Postpone action a bit and work on your faith. Get your mindset CLEAR, before you take action. If you don’t have the faith in place, don’t make the phone call, write the letter or whatever. Faith comes first and don’t move on anythign until you got it.

Sunday, Eight of Cups rx: Want to toss up your hands to walk away? You’re not quite ready. The situation isn’t there, all the facts are not out, etc. Just trust! Keep working on the faith. We’re getting there…

Overview/Advice, Two of Wands: Pointing towards a couple of things. Standing your ground, being firm and convinced in what’s right for you and settling in for that. Not activism or convincing others, but for YOU. The second element that’s highlighted here is paitence. It’s a longer term energy, the long game for this coming week. There are ups and down, but breathe deeply, take your time, and let it unfold at it’s own pace. MAKE PEACE with where you are. Rushing won’t get you away from what you’re unhappy with…get where you want emotionally first, and the outer circumstances morph accordingly.

Affirmation: “I am developing the skill to direct my thoughts.” You may not realize how much impact this has. We’re not truly responding to what’s happening outside ourselves. It’s what’s happening in our heads! You can have the exact same experience, but whether it’s Heaven or Hell is determined by what you’re thinking about it.

Any new circumstance you’re exploring, do an emotional temperature check. See how you’re feeling about it. If you’re feeling uneasy, uncomfortable for any reason, look to shift your thoughts. If you do this early on before you get a lot of momentum, it’s much easier to shift. If you can shift up the emotional tone of the situation, you completely shift your experience. This changes the outcome. A lot of what is good or bad in your experience, as in pretty much ALL of it, is a function of how you think about it, which determines how you feel about it. This week, practice checking in on your feelings and ask, “Is there a way I could think about this that would feel a little better?” Don’t worry if that something you could think would be considered “true” as some kind of objective reality. Just look at ways to frame it to feel better and choose that.

[bctt tweet=”The benefit of a doubt is really a gift for yourself. #OnMyRadar” via=”no”]

We talk about giving someone else the “benefit of the doubt” as if it’s really about the other person, a gift of some sort. It’s not. But it’s definitely a gift. See, regardless of the situation and regardless of how convinced you are that it’s likely one way or another, you can still assume it’s coming from a malicious, ugly place (and maybe it is), or you can assume no ill-intention as default (and maybe that’s true, too). Even if it’s coming from an ugly place, getting upset about it doesn’t help you and your experience. If you assume even the ugly is not about you because it never is–even if the other person thinks it is, it’s still about how they look at the world–then you’ll have a much happier life.

Personally? I think that’s a very awesome gift!

Are you free with your benefit of a doubt?

This forecast features the Radiant Rider Waite in a Tin and some Abraham-Hicks Divination Cards.

I’m still running the 2017 Year-Ahead Zodiac Reading Special, so get your order on if you’d like to see what next year is bringing!

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Death, Eight of Cups, Hanged Man, High Priestess, Knight of Wands, Queen of Wands, The Sun, Two of Wands

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