August 22

Being You: Tarot Forecast, August 24 – 30, 2015


I am very, very blessed to be around people who love and accept me as I am. Of course, that didn’t happen in a vacuum. I had to actually BE who I am, not hide it, in order to find it. And it didn’t happen overnight. It took me a long time, even to work up the courage to admit to me who I was in many regards. Recognizing what’s you and what’s not, finding those bits and pieces of your soul that you’ve maybe lost track of? That’s on my radar at the moment and it’s in this week’s forecast, too.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. –Ralph Waldo Emerson

All journeys are ultimately personal ones. We may walk hand in hand with another. We may have friends and companions, cheering us on (or not so much, unfortunately). But we each own our own life, and all paths are singular in that regard.

August 24 - 30 Forecast

This week features all the Tarot suits, so we’re running the gamut of energy flavors–but the cards are all Minor Arcana. That suggests to me that any challenges we face are more likely to be of the day-to-day variety than the life-changing-forever variety. So if you’re having a rough go, you may want to give it the 5-year test: “How much will this moment matter in five years?” Follow that up with, “What’s truest to myself?” Keep it in perspective.

Monday, Emotional Loss – Turning In, Four of Cups: Today has “bittersweet” written all over it. I’m getting a very melancholy, moody sensation around the day. Take a few minutes to tune inward, and just let whatever feelings are there, be there. Don’t grasp or push. Just let them be present,, feel them and allow them wash through you. Some challenges are not mastered through fighting–but through yielding. Turn up the Yin.

Tuesday, Harmony (Base and Throat Chakras) – The Outsider, Five of Pentacles reversed: Unpopular opinion? Out of step with those around you and feeling insecure over it? That’s what we’ve got, although with the card reversed, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you’re not as far removed from your community as it may appear. Be secure in speaking your truth you’re likely find others thinking the same thing. They just weren’t brave enough to say so.

Wednesday, The Waiting Game – Fighting, Knight of Swords: Potential for conflicts born out of impatience and anxiety. Thoughts and mental activities drive the conflict so if you’d like to reduce the ouch factor, look for a perspective shift. Expect to be subject to impatience and some critical remarks that are SO not about you. (After all, if they were really about you, could you have read about them in a Tarot forecast?!)

Thursday, New Beginnings – Guidance, Three of Pentacles: Ah, this is a delight to see! Creative flow is on tap, along with a healthy stream of Divine inspiration. You know the drill: meditation, quiet time in nature and prayer are ways to access that stream of awesome. Look for this energy plug-in for an infusion of brilliance wherever you are seeking a fresh start. Go get you some!

Friday, Love Begins – Understanding, Page of Cups: In dealings with loved ones and inner circle, focus on your love first. As in, before you try to figure something out, before you try to work out any conflict, focus on the love. Great night for a date, if you’re into that sort of thing. Also good money day potential.

Saturday, Stand Your Ground – Success, Six of Wands: Pretty clear, no? Stick to your guns and so long as your cause is righteous, the outcome is good. Woot!

Sunday, Conflict and Defeat – Moment to Moment, Two of Pentacles: You win some, you lose some. Be gracious whichever side of the equation you are on and deal with just right now, what’s on your plate to be addressed at the moment. Generosity is in order.

Overview/Advice, Victory & Success – Experiencing, Three of Wands reversed: Yes, I know. This week (or this life?) hasn’t gone as planned. But you wanna make something good out of it anyway? BE PRESENT. Be there, completely. Don’t zone out of full consciousness when it’s hard or the lessons tastes a little bitter or life gets a little heavy. Stay present. This is how you “win” at life. And here? Winning means getting as much out of it as you can. Don’t wait until something big forces perspective on you. Foster perspective now by staying present.

Affirmation: I trust my inner wisdom. Part of being present is attending to those little feelings, that quiet little voice inside us. Here’s a note: the more you attend to it, the louder it gets. It takes some dedication to be able to tell the difference between inner wisdom and plain ol’ mind. But there are ways to distinguish. The first way is working on quieting mind. Mind never shuts up–or at least, mine doesn’t like to shut up. The second way is feeling checks–inner wisdom often gives you a “click” or “that’s true” feeling, inside. A mini aha moment, a knowing.

[bctt tweet=”Inner wisdom gives a click or ‘aha’ feeling, like fitting a piece into a puzzle. #woowoo”]

How’s your week looking?

august tools

This forecast features the Psychic Tarot Oracle, Osho Zen Tarot Deck, and Power Thought Cards. If you enjoy these forecasts, you may like Dixie’s book, Everyday Tarot Archives. If you’d like more personalized guidance, find out more about working with Dixie in a private session.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Affirmations, Five of Pentacles, Four of Cups, Knight of Swords, Osho Zen, Page of Cups, Sixe of Wands, Three of Pentacles, Three of Wands, Two of Pentacles

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