September 17

09/17/11: Emotional Housekeeping | Ace of Wands Rev, Queen of Cups



“One can not reflect in streaming water. Only those who know internal peace can give it to others.” –Lao Tzu

Every energy has infinite avenues for expression. Every strength can become weakness, and every weakness can become strength. The determining factor is always in the expression, how that force is aimed. But the more powerful the energy, the more force packed, for good or ill.

Today’s Tarot forecast is the Ace of Wands reversed or Root of the Powers of Fire, associated with Fire, and the Queen of Cups or Queen of the Thrones of the Waters, associated with Water in Water. We’ve seen her quite recently, as the emotional drunk! Today, though, I’m seeing her more as going with the flow, the free-flowing intuitive.

The Ace of Wands is an active card. It’s the Nike “Just do it!” vibe, often appearing at the beginning of fresh projects, as prod to get started. It’s a great sign if you’re looking to build something new! But reversed, I’d say your ideas are likely sound but perhaps the time isn’t quite right. Is your focus set and defined? Are your motivations pure? Is the stage set, or are you just seeing what you want to see? Questions need to be answered before you make the move here.

But how? Well, the Queen of Cups shows up to encourage us to look within. (I often see this Queen in regards to therapy or similar emotional processing.) By working through our own feelings diligently, we get a second gift from this queen—intuitive insight. Intuitive information comes in on the same channel as emotion. So as you develop mastery over your emotions, or at least a good working knowledge, it becomes much simpler to divine the difference between random, emotional noise from old wounds and a broader sensitivity. “Feelings housekeeping” keeps your radar tuned up.

These two cards paired would suggest we’re on the right track as far as what we’d like to do, but best to take our time in doing it, making sure we do the appropriate emotional housecleaning as we go. (Don’t want dirty laundry to pile up!) It takes some time, but that’s okay. Once your house is good and clean, you’ll be ready to get going!

Are you doing any emotional housekeeping? Is it helping prepare you for a new venture?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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Ace of Wands, Housewives Tarot, Queen of Cups

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  1. Good morning, everybody!

    Yes, Dixie, I am doing exactly that. Dealing with a lot of ummm…..old gunk here. Nasty stuff, and not mine. I’ve been trying different ways of dealing with it, and as I was doing my exercises this morning, what I “heard” was to thank these energies. Yep, thank them. They are kicking up big time, because I’m moving on. There’s a lot of energy that doesn’t want change here. So….I’m grateful this morning!

  2. Once again, I have a literal, physical interpretation of “emotional housekeeping.”

    I have been going to my mom’s house to clear out, and clean up lots of stuff. It’s in preparation for brining her home/dixiblog/domains/ from the rehab place. But as you mention, the timing may not be right yet, as she may not be strong enough yet.

    “Every energy has infinite avenues for expression. Every strength can become weakness, and every weakness can become strength.”


    “Mom, Dixie’s in my head again!”

  3. Emotional housecleaning, yep tons of it going on around here. I just realized I am being drawn in to clean other people’s stuff also. Almost fell for it again . . .

    Hey Dixie I know it is your birthday, but you my Goddess are the one who is the real gift.

  4. This is so cool!

    I finished a very emotional book today (The Lovely Bones). I closed it and then felt a sudden urge to grab my deck and do a reading. I hadn’t done one for about 2-3 weeks. I shuffled and drew a card for myself, and it was the Queen of Cups! My card! I was glad to see her and took it as a sign. Sometimes she is over-the-top emotional and denotes those waves of emotions too strong to resist. But today, she felt different, she felt confident and sure of herself. It felt like a good sign.

    And then I went out for a while and came back to read EE and saw the thread about your birthday (I didn’t know when it was gonna be, except that you’re a Virgo Sun), and then came here and saw the Daily Tarot. How sweet :-))

    Happy Birthday! :cake:

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIXIE!!!! :cake:

    And as for emotional housekeeping? Been working on cleaning house for over a year now. I wouldn’t say you could run a white glove over the mantle and not come away a little dusty… but I’m definitely getting there!

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