My week started out with a “what the Hell?!” and ended with “I feel okay with this.” It fit the forecast and I’ll take it. This week is a natural continuation on the theme.
Next Week in Tarot
Outlook is the Ace of Wands, with advice from the Ace of Pentacles. Pictured: Legacy of the Divine Tarot.
Have you noticed newness, the start of something? That Ace of Wands says so. Creation, underway. A job, started. A passion, taking hold. It may be small, but it’s definitely motion.
It’s not our job this week to light the fire. That’s covered. Instead, get real and connect with the physical world. Eat. Sleep. Ground. Go outside and commune with the trees.
Take care of business, whatever yours is. If you’re having a hard time, ask yourself, “What would help right now?” It doesn’t need to fix any and everything. It just needs to offer a little releif. Do that.
It feels good to feel motion. Allow yourself to indulge in a little optimism, without demanding a step-by-step roadmap full of reassurance. Just acknowledge there is a little light, take comfort in it, and go about the business of taking care of yourself.
Be safe and stay snug and grounded out there, friends.