November 17

11/18/13: Intention of Creation / Ace of Cups


Ace of Cups Tarot

“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” –Mahatma Gandhi

Yes, words matter. But the Ace of Cups doesn’t speak to words. This ace speaks to the heart, the intention deeper and truer than any words could express.

Words can fall short—and sooner or later, everyone will fall short of their mark with their words. We’re imperfect creatures. Missteps are inevitable.

The heart however, can remain true when the words fall short. Because what’s in our heart is the seed of intention, the impetus for action that starts with a seed of feeling and grows, we can consciously aim it and safeguard it through a course of conscious kindness, loving energy and staying as pure and (spiritually) clean as we can.

The heart is also the center of manifestation. Heart energy creates, so be aware of what materials raw materials you feed this force.

What do you want to create with the power of your heart?

Tarot Illuminati by Eric Dunne & Kim Huggens

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Ace of Cups, Law of Attraction, Tarot Illuminati

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