A perk of my job as Tarot-slinger is having a heads-up notice on shifts, in the energy trends. I get a pretty good feel for the flavor of incoming vibes.
And right now? It’s shifting. People’s lives are in significant transition. Like the ground is moving around, underneath, but we’re all trying to keep moving forward, lest we fall into a hole!
When I think back, to all the accomplishments I’m most proud of…without exception, every single one of them sucked on the way there. When I lost 100 pounds, when I went back to school, when I got married and became insta-mom, when I presented at industry conferences, when I started my own business(es)…those times and so much more, always the same feelings.
Every single time, I was uncertain and scared and stressed and overwhelmed with the reach required. Every single time, I wondered if I could manage it.
And every single time, I thought to myself, “If I had known before I started…I’m not sure I would have!”
This looks like the week people may be saying that, to themselves.

Shifts are very much apparent. Now that makes sense, as Mercury is going direct, and completely leaving his shadow at the start of February. Full speed ahead! We hit a big ol’ Full Moon in Leo the weekend before this forecast starts, which tends towards the dramatic. It doesn’t feel settled yet by a shot, but we are getting the car turned around and back on course. And that’s blessing enough, I think!
One more week for the Housewives Tarot and then I’ll put the ladies up for a while. I know not everybody enjoys this deck is much as I do.
Monday, Page of Cups: Speak from the heart, be very aware of your emotions, and do your best to take care of emotional issues. I do see this as a feely sort of day, although the feelings aren’t necessarily negative. But I think there’s gonna be a fair amount of them, of whatever flavor they are. So make allowances.
Tuesday, Three of Wands reversed: I’m seeing somebody come in and mess up the room that you just picked up. Like plopping a dirty dish in the sink right after you’ve finished the dishes. Throwing clothes on the floor right away after you put away laundry. Don’t get over-emotional about it. I don’t think it’s intentional. But yeah, I know that’s annoying. Sorry!
Wednesday, Nine of Swords reversed: You worry too much. Potential anxiety or overreaction, feeling kind of alone. If you talk to somebody, particularly somebody who you trust, like an father figure, it won’t necessarily solve everything, but it might help ground you. Just know, anxiety that comes up today is probably not intuition so much as emotional flow, feeling overwhelmed.
Thursday, King of Wands: You can get a lot of stuff done! This is an energetic powerhouse kind of day. A full schedule, plenty of work to do, lots of meetings or appointments, errands, doesn’t matter. Highly productive day. Enjoy it!
Friday, the High Priestess: Here she’s coming in upright. A good day to sit back and watch what happens. Keep your mouth shut. Don’t make any major moves. Listen to your gut, no matter what it says. And simply let life unfold.
Saturday, Six of Cups: Another repeat! If I didn’t know better, I would think I did not shuffle. But I do know better. A great day to participate in an activity you used to enjoy as a child. Being with old friends, playing games, anything that’s reminiscent of your younger years, is especially sweet. I hope you enjoy it.
Sunday, Nine of Cups reversed: Even reversed, a very sweet card. I see this as not being a perfect day, but a damned good one. Maybe the good news doesn’t come in, but you see an encouraging sign. Like that. It’s an encouraging kind of day. And I’ll take it wherever I can get it.
Overview/advice: Eight of Wands: There is still movement! Things are shifting quickly and it may feel like it’s been up in the air for-ev-er. But the dust has not yet settled, and we’ll have to wait to let it settle as we go forward. Just know, it’s underway.
Affirmation: In my appreciation, I offer no resistance. This makes me think about people who have trouble accepting compliments. Maybe that’s you. If somebody says, “I love your outfit,” do you argue? Do you tell them that it’s old, it doesn’t look good on you, blah, blah, blah? Well, stop it! Practice just saying, “thank you.” It’s kinder to the complimenter–accepting that verbal gift–as well as kind yourself.
If you have something going right in your life, don’t say, “That’s nice but…it won’t last/it’s not enough/it could be better/this other thing is still messed up/I’ll never make it/etc.” Stop that!
Instead, appreciate it and then put a period at the end of that sentence. Period. Okay? Period. We all have bad that has to be dealt with in life. It’s enough already. But how many of us readily accept the good? Don’t resist the good.
[bctt tweet=”Accept life’s good without disclaimers. #quotes”]
There are enough worries and pain and difficulty to go around, without looking for it, let alone trying to morph gifts into crap. Just accept the damn presents already.
How gracefully do you accept the good?
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