April 12

04/13/14: Compromise / 9 of Cups Reversed


9 of Cups Rx Meaning

Eh. Nine of Cups reversed paired with “Others” suggests a compromise, getting some, but not all, of what you’d like. Overall, even reversed this is a pretty positive energy. So my quick-off advice to you is not to lose sight of all the stuff you DID get from others in favor of what you gave up. Overall, it’s still likely you’re coming out pretty sweet on the deal.

I think it’s also worth noting we JUST saw this card recently paired with “mind.” Several rather positive cards lately inverted. I’m inclined not to call that bad luck so much as tempered or initially confusing good luck. Take that for whatever it’s worth.

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Deck of 1000 Spreads, Nine of Cups, Others, Tarot Illuminati

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