May 2

05/03/14: Still lazy? Day Off! / 9 of Cups!


9 cups meaning

Tarot is once again stuttering with a repeat appearance of the Nine of Cups. Y’all know I shuffle the cards, because I wouldn’t be picking the same ones over and over again. Of course, if one was going to choose a repeat, the “wish card” would be a good one to choose!

Good day to take off. It’s a Saturday, so a lot of y’all do that anyway. I don’t always, but I’m going to see what I can manage anyway.

Indulge yourself, and don’t overbook. There’s satisfaction to be had, if you’ll allow it. How often is not allowing it the issue, anyway? Personally, I say grab these days whenever you can and make the most of them. They make the following days when there isn’t so much room for leisure much easier.

So once again, license to indulge, granted!

And speaking of grind…I’m going to be switching up my forecast routine. I know y’all read and love the dailies from the consistent feedback I get, so I’m not abandoning public forecasts entirely. But sometimes it feels like they have become such a significant part of what I do, there is not energy for other types of creative work. I won’t be abandoning the forecasts entirely at this point, but I will be experimenting with frequency, format and variations to see if I can’t maintain the public service angle for now while allowing my energy to get redistributed a little.

So be on the lookout for changes…I’m kind of excited to see what I come up with. Har!

You ready for some time away from the grind?

Osho Zen Tarot Set
by US Games

Schedule a session with Dixie for a personalized forecast.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Nine of Cups, Osho Zen

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