October 19

10/20/13: Dropping Some Demons / 8 of Swords



Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world. –Helen Keller

And in the down to offset yesterday’s up, we have the Eight of Swords, aka “Guilt.”

You see how this card is worn and bent in the picture? That’s because I’ve drawn it so damn much for myself! This is an expression of being one’s own worst enemy.

One nice thing about this energy, though…I notice it always, always, always refers to a self-inflicted prison. That means YOU and you alone hold the keys.

How long are you going to hang around in this storm, letting those demons you created claw at your head?

If you don’t feel good about how you’re living, make some changes for God sakes. Or reframe your perspective. I don’t care which, that’s your call, but do one or the other. Because the self-catered pity parties just ain’t working.

(You know I can say this shit because I’m talking to myself as much as you, right?)

You can let it go, whatever “it” is, exactly when you’re ready and no sooner or later. It may require work, sacrifice or other uncomfortable shifts, but the job’s still well within your ability.

So make the changes or live with the consequences. This isn’t a moral imperative. It’s a practical one.

Are you ready to drop some demons?

Osho Zen Tarot Set
by US Games

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Eight of Swords, Osho Zen

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  1. I’ve been haunted by this card to so many times I can’t even remember! Yes it’s all up to us to change and that it the most difficult thing. First to acknowledge that you are stuck and then leave your prison, the “safe” place. Scary!!!
    What wonders me the most is that I stumble in this pitfall over and over again

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