I forgot my new glasses when I went to sit outside for my Zen-nature time. And it dawned on me, how very attached I’d gotten to seeing a little better, in short order. I keep these things on or near me almost all the time.
See, I got these glasses after about a decade not wearing my old ones. Your eyes change so slowly, you don’t always notice it at the time. So it was shocking, how much clearer the world was with them. I’d gotten used to the blur.
I realized in life, we can “get used to the blur,” too. We can hold on to outdated perceptions. What may have served us at one point doesn’t always so much, in the now.
I think the next week may feel a little like getting new glasses. It takes a bit of getting used to, but ultimately, we won’t want to be without the clearer perspective.
Next Week in the Cards
Outlook is Eight of Wands. Advice is Eight of Swords, accompanied by Five of Cups. Cards pictured are Radiant Rider-Waite mini deck.
There is a lot of movement next week–or is that uncertainty? Oh yeah. Energy moving does feel uncertain, huh? But this advice is especially interesting here.
The world is shifting. Again. Still. However you want to look at this. Ultimately, all may end up roses and sunshine, but who knows? And waiting for info is not in the least comforting in the moment.
Take a breather right now. The decisions that you would make TODAY may not be the same ones you’d be making with a little more perspective, a few more details.
And for God’s sakes, allow yourself to feel your feelings. Where you end up going may be better than where you are headed, but it doesn’t mean there is no grief or sadness over what is gone, too. You know? It’s okay to feel sad for what isn’t. Just don’t move in there.
This isn’t a “rise above it all” kind of energy. It’s more a “accept where you are at and feel your feelings so you’re ready to move on” energy.
Going through the process of your own emotional processing is exactly what helps us get our center again, even amidst an unpredictable environment. Give yourself the space to work out your feelings and see how the outer world develops.