I’m kind of afraid to say anything, lest I jinx it.
But a number of situations in my life are beginning to feel better–sort of like the clogged-up energy is starting to move. It’s far from set at this point. I don’t know how many/most/all things will work out. But I can feel the loosening up and the motion beginning now. I’m beginning to feel it can break up. It will break up. It IS breaking up.
I’m grateful. I’m ready. I’m aware, watching what’s going on.
And I’m also thinking, this is the result of the energy we’re talking about in this week’s forecast.
So, I’m hoping you are feeling similar, friends. It’s a freeing feeling. If you’re looking to maximize this for yourself, stay tuned!
Next Week in the Cards
Outlook is the Eight of Cups. Advice is Hierophant (Faith) reversed, with Hanged Man reversed for additional insight. Deck pictured is Legacy of the Divine.
It’s a time of moving beyond what has been. Can you tell? What baggage might you leave behind right now? Because there is a window for doing just that.
Be patient if your faith isn’t quite set yet, though. We’re feeling our way through as we go and while we may do our darnedest to trust “the Universe (TM),” it’s hard not to feel discouraged or worried sometimes. That’s quite human, you know.
We may even feel like forcing the issue, if we’re being honest. But trying to force outcomes is not as satisfying as one’s impatient self may expect it to be.
Just continue to feel your way forward. Don’t stress “bigger picture.” Set aside any and everything that disturbs your peace of mind to the best of your ability. Just walk away. It won’t help to do anything else. Let water under the bridge stay under the bridge.
After all, aren’t we much too busy living our best lives to be fixated on some old, stale, standing water? I think so!
In short, expect situations to start to break up. You’ll need to leave behind old crap, either by choice or by force. (Choice is almost always the better option of the two.) It may take a minute to find your footing, see the bigger picture, and regain your faith, but it’s okay to feel hopeful right now. Not hopeful for a specific scene, but hopeful for the overall, bigger-context goal.
It’s a clean up time. Venus retrograde, Mercury fixing to retrograde, just the energy at large. You’ll have opportunities to leave behind what you don’t want to pack for the future. I’d suggest you take it. I’ll be doing my best to do the same.
You feeling this, friends?