January 15

01/16/14: Snip, Snip and Grow / 8 Cups, Empress


8 cups empress

The Eight of Cups is, at it simplest, utter emotional withdrawal. The Empress, at her core, is undoubtedly fertility This pair doesn’t offer a lot of mystery in interpreting. They read like poetry, man…

Whatever attachments, whatever strings, whatever ties that you have that seem to be sucking out your soul? WITHDRAW. Cut cords, move back, let it go for God’s sakes. I’m not talking just in the physical, I’m talking energetically, in the emotional realm.

All that energy that was consumed in the upkeep of this situation then goes back to you. The newly energized you can then give birth to whatever replaces it. Because keeping up appearances, maintaining an unhealthy relationship, working at a job you hate or cleaning up after someone else’s instanity? All these kinds of activies carry a very heavy price.

If you’re unsure, here’s an easy way to check in: when you think of cutting ties, what’s your first, involuntary emotional response? Emptiness, sadness, relief, freedom? That gives some idea as to the quality and nature of energy wrapped up in maintenance duty, man.

You ready to cut ties somewhere?

The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards: a 65-Card Deck, plus booklet!
by John Holland

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Eight of Cups, Psychic Tarot Oracle, The Empress

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  1. Tricky to cut ties with some people, because they are connected to other people with whom I still want to be friends. The ones who have been cut out of ones life may then begin to undermine you. I’m thinking that’s why I need to study your awesome protection videos more. Ya Man!

    1. I’m sorry, Treva, but I don’t interpret other people’s Tarot draws in the comments section. Otherwise, I’d be able to do nothing else. You are welcome to search (the thousands of) public posts to learn how I read specific cards or hire me if you’d like a personal consultation. Thank you for understanding.

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