September 7

09/08/13: Own the Awesome Tree! / 7 of Pentacles


7 of Pentacles Tarot Meaning

Yes, damint. Your steady, long term efforts bear fruit. You know this. You’ve seen it time and time again. It’s logical and rational and frankly, pretty obvious.

But sometimes it’s good to be reminded. Because it’s all to easy to write off our own progress as unimportant, minimal. “Not enough,” we grumble like a two-year-old peering into an ne empty cookie jar.

Take stock of where you are now versus where you’ve started. Celebrate how far you’ve come. Allow yourself to feel good. Then, you can think about what comes next. But you know something? If you start off reviewing how far you’ve come, you’ll feel a lot stronger and more capable when you’re planning out what you’re going to do when the results of your efforts thusfar are ripe.

You grew it. OWN it. The proper response to a complement on how much you’ve achieved is NOT “It’s nothing, really.”

Try “thank you.” See how great it feels.

It’s sort of like your current self thanking your past self for the work you did to grow that lovely tree. And then your future self can thank your current self for the love and attention you are now showering upon your tree.

Okay, now I’m just getting silly. But I’m damn good at being silly. I own it!

Can you see the fruits of your labors?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

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Housewives Tarot, Seven of Cups

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