June 21

06/22/13: Adrift and Working Reality / 7 (or 8, who’s counting?) of Cups Rx


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Albert Einstein


Editorial note: I wrote about the 7 of Cups, but as pointed out, this is actually the Eight of Cups. In true Eight of Cups fashion, I’m just gonna walk away and leave the rest of the text stand.  *$&$# You, Mercury retro.

Ah, the Seven of Cups—where things are generally not as they seem.  8 of Cups reversed but we’re letting it go, where (OBVIOUSLY) determining the truth seems even more daunting. It looks as if this fellow should fall right out of his boat, and yet he doesn’t. As he’s carried along by  tides of emotion, it seems relevant to note feelings play a significant role in perception.

I usually associated the Tarot Twos with choices, but this is also a card of decision-making, usually with multiple options. How deep that water is and what lurks beneath are big, fat unknowns. Does our sailor have an oar hidden in that boat, or is he going to just let the water guide his drifting? Not making a choice is also a choice, you know.

What “is” and “is not,” definitely not clear! I know most don’t dig such proclamations, but it is what it is. Sometimes, “wait and see” is required to make a call. However, you do not need to remained paralyzed in the interim. Instead, why not operate from a “working reality” where you go with the info you’ve got, making the best choices you can? [This option is sometimes cynically known as “life.”]

Adjust as needed and acknowledge the role of emotion in the whole where-you’re-going equation because it’s relevant. But really, the advice is pretty simple here: do the best you can, and remain alert and flexible to changing weather and tides.

Are you feeling adrift?

Tarot: The Complete Kit
by Dennis Fairchild

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Eight of Cups, Seven of Cups, Tarot Nova

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    1. Oh yeah, I’m not going to overstress it. I am posting at least once a day, I am going to make mistakes sometimes. Virgo doesn’t like it much, but gotta be real…

        1. Not at all! My frustration is both mild and.self-directed. Also I have to laugh at myself a bit. But I decided not to rewrite it after the fact. Just note it instead.

  1. I just read that “Pre-Mercury Retrograde” started June 10th. I really needed to do a legal thing asap. Grrr….. I don’t want to wait…

    How many days “pre” should we acknowledge?

    1. That’s the shadow period and it seems to impact different people to different degrees. Astrologers around here, I’m sure you’ll correct me if I’m wrong. Honestly though, if you need to do something, you need to do it. We cannot quit living during Merc Rx. A lot of times, doing things you’ve started previously, going back and finishing, actually works very well during Merc Rx in my experience. And as far as reading…you know where to find me if you need me. Hugs!

  2. I guess I should re-read the post.

    “operate from a “working reality” where you go with the info you’ve got…”

    I’m so nervous about it… I might need a reading soon.

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