September 12

09/13/13: Tipsy Town / 7 of Cups Reversed


Seven of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning

This reversed Seven of Cups tells me exactly what I need to know: the Happy Housewife is not drunk yet, but is probably on her way to Tipsy Town. What’s more, she knows it!

Are you ignoring something you don’t want to see, trying to blur it out? That’s akin to turning up the car radio to “fix” a rattle. You may be able to drown out the noise, but that doesn’t mean the car is intact. Find the rattle and then you’re free to get lost in the music without reservation

Whatever needs attention is often (read: usually) not as big a deal in reality as it looms in anticipation. So just handle your business before you bust out the wine, okay? Or whine, as the case may be. Har!

Have you been trying to ignore something?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

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Housewives Tarot, Seven of Cups

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