July 16

6 of Pents: Clearing that Mess


I’ve got one of those Rocketbook planners. It’s reusable. Handy for just changing the date on your to-do list. What I didn’t realize is that if you set it aside a while, you can just change the month.

Because my lists look shockingly similar from week to week and sometimes, month to month as well. Ooops. Tarot’s talking to me this week!

What have you been avoiding? Because, well…you may want to get on that. Har!

Next Week in the Cards

Outlook is the Six of Pentacles. Advice is Ten of Wands–say what?!

For clarification, it’s reversed Knight of Pentacles and The Star. Excuse the iffy image. I was pulling cards on the fly for this one! Deck is Legacy of the Divine.

I was happy to see that Six of Pentacles today. It says to me, “Credit where credit is due.”  I like getting credit for what I’ve been doing and seeing the same for others. It’s…satisfying, I suppose. Like the world is a-right.

Now, this Ten of Wands here isn’t telling us we’ve got to take responsibility for everything. Instead, we’ve just got to make sure we’ve got our own dues covered. Specifically, pay attention to the details. They matter right now and since credit is coming in as it’s owed, we want to get full credit!

Just so you know, taking care of the details now will save trouble down the road and make for better outcomes. So take heart and dot those i’s friends. Cross the t’s with gusto. We’ve got our due coming!

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Knight of Pentacles, Legacy of the Divine, Six of Pentacles, Ten of Wands, The Star

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