Well, Hell. I’ve just used this deck for a handful of days here, and already we’ve got a repeat! The Six of Pentacles (or Hazards, in Zombie Tarot speak). So okay! We’re listening, oh mysterious Tarot!
Today, I’m seeing this as a message to look carefully at what you’re being offered. Is that generosity how it’s being billed? Or is someone trying to distract you from your main purpose, with an otherwise undisclosed agenda?
I’m kind of thinking the fellow in the white coat isn’t just being kind—he’s looking to trap our zombie gardener. Maybe he wants to do some experiments, or maybe he’s just looking to save his flowers. I don’t know and the reasons why don’t really matter so much as the knowledge there is a hidden agenda.
If you unexpectedly find a hunk of meat dangling in front of you, use your brains! Follow that line back to the source to consider the implications. It may not be in your best interest to accept charity that isn’t, you know?
So sayth the enlightened Zombie. Because if he follows this advice, he’ll remain to mow down flowers and seek out brains as he pleases yet another day. If not, who can say?
You been seeing “gifts” that aren’t lately?
The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead
Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie. Zombie-free.
“So sayeth the enlightened zombie” LOL
Yep, I turned one down recently.