I promise I’ll give you a Zombie break soon. But I got a new deck for my birthday, so of course I have to whip it out for some of the dailies, you know? You’ll be seeing it again around Halloween, naturally.
But today, we’ve got the Five of Hazards, aka the Five of Pentacles (Mercury in Taurus). As the Rider-Waite version reminds us, this card often speaks to what we do not have. A sense of loss, financial problems, or destitution is prevalent. But on the old-school card, the stricken folks walk right below the church window. Comfort is within.
This zombie survivor is digging through the trash, no doubt searching for a bit of sustenance and I don’t think she’s finding much to be encouraged about. But as she’s focused downward, riveted by her misfortunes, intent upon the “trash” before her, she cannot see what options may be wide open nearby.
That church window (or a clear ally nearby) spells grace.
The thing to know is that help doesn’t arrive directly as a result of frantic or disheartened efforts. Help IS readily available, however, and invariably comes in the form of grace.
Accessing the help at hand, however, is always a matter of free will. No one will force the survivor to look up for other options. No one will force the hobbling souls to step into the church.
And no one will force you to connect with the Source to get comfort or guidance. That’s something you have to decide all on your own.
There is help. Ask and ye shall receive, you know?
Are you in need of some help?
The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead Follow Dixie and the Everyday Tarot on Twitter, or Facebook,. Or just schedule a Tarot consultation. It’s even better.
It seems like I’m always in need of help now.