November 6

11/07/13: Mountains Unmoved / Four of Pentacles


4 of Pentacles Psychic Tarot Oracle

Didn’t I just say, today would be better? I love this Four of Pentacles!

This is the picture of a man who knows not only what he’s doing, but WHY he’s doing it. See how he’s one with the mountain here? That kind of foundation grows from more than a passing fancy.

All Tarot Fours are stable energy. People use the phrase “moving mountains.” Well, this mountain is unmovable. I’m not talking stubborn. I’m talking integrity.

Decide what matters completely and on that factor (and that alone), be the mountain. Then no matter what else gets tossed about in the wind, you’re good. A lot of what we obsess over doesn’t matter much. So let it go. That leaves you with the fortitude to hold fast to what does matter much.

Are you feeling like the mountain?

The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards: a 65-Card Deck, plus booklet!
by John Holland

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Four of Pentacles, Psychic Tarot Oracle

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