September 6

09/06/12: Closed Circuit | 4 of Cups


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Here’s a perfect example of why I like to work with nontraditional decks. I know what the Four of Cups usually has to say—dreaming instead of doing, being dissatisfied, ignoring what’s in front of you for what you do not currently have. The basic theme I usually get with this card is not being connected with the here and now.

And yet, this version from Osho Zen carries pretty much the opposite vibe. This woman is SO tuned in—notice her dress looks like water?—that the forces outside her do NOT disturb her. She is clearly calm, serene and plugged in. She has everything she needs for her connection. The fears, angst, the disruptive forces that surround her make nary a ripple.

Today, be this meditator. Call upon your divine connection, and do not let  any of the energies that surround you disturb your peace. See her hand position? That’s making a closed energetic circuit, with thumbs and index fingers touching. Outside energy cannot invade. She’s safe, plugged in and protected.

Be selective of who you let into your energy fireland do not let anyone disturb your peace. It’s a God-given right.

Are you able to turn inward amidst outer turmoil? (I’m working on it!)

Osho Zen Tarot Set
by US Games

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Four of Cups, Osho Zen

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