November 17

11/18/12: Yes, Really Gone | 3 Swords


3-of-swords-tarot-meaningDamn. I think the cards are stuttering. Yesterday’s promise of a fresh start wasn’t a resurrection of an expired situation, I suppose. Any second thoughts been sneaking in?

“Fresh start” means FRESH start. Maybe this is just what we need for a Mercury Retrograde period. A re-minder.

I’ll tell you one thing: any time I see the Three of Swords, wherever the pain is, it’s due some sort of loss or separation and it’s a “final cut.” Non-negotiable and done. All’s over but the crying, should you be doing some.

Or not. Remember, Tarot Threes are creative, birth energy. For a new state to emerge, the prior state has to be concluded. There is no other way. Sometimes, the separation is difficult, but always necessary.

Are you feeling this?

Mystic Dreamer Tarot
by Heidi Darras

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Mystic Dreamer, Three of Swords

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