November 21

11/22/13: Micromanaging? / 3 of Pentacles


3 of Pentacles

This don’t always go as you plan, but that doesn’t make planning useless. It gets thing started, gets the wheels of manifestation spinning, and begins the process.

On this version of the Three of Pentacles, I can’t help but notice the length of paper the woman holds. You think she’s overthinking this project? Is that level of detail helpful or overkill?

Only you can decided what’s needed for your project. I will say, however, that flexibility and an ability to “go with the flow” will serve you well, no matter how carefully you plan. Because often, life will hand you something much different that what you’re expecting.

At least, that’s how it’s worked for me. I would be surprised if it worked differently for you, though. But this is a good reminder for me, as I can over-rely on the seat-of-my-pants techniques. A balanced approach would take into account a larger plan while remaining open enough to accommodate changing conditions.

Do you plan it all out or fly by the seat of your pants?

Tarot Illuminati by Eric Dunne & Kim Huggens

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Tarot Illuminati, Three of Pentacles

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  1. Fly! Got into an arguement with someone abt how I’m choosing to go into a risky situation with minimal information.. I get the importance of being informed but I work better when I don’t have lots of what ifs circling my brain! I like to be aware of the general situation and then go with the flow!

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