November 28

11/28/12: Planning your creativity | 3 of Pentacles


3-of-pentacles-meaning-tarot-mystic-dreamer-deckMan…maybe it’s time to draw up an editorial calendar for this site or something!

We’ve got the Three of Pentacles, associated with Mars in Capricorn. Activity (Mars) to be undertaken seriously (Capricorn). As one of the Tarot Threes, it’s often a creative venture. While planning, responsibility and dedication may not be part of how we usually think of creative ventures, why not?

You want success from what you do? You want to go somewhere with it? Get organized! Get serious! Pay attention to the details, and approach it in a conscientious, intentional and throughtful way.

Okay, Tarot, I’m listening. Setting aside some time for planning right now!

What’s the Three of Pentacles say to you?

Mystic Dreamer Tarot
by Heidi Darras

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Mystic Dreamer, Three of Pentacles

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  1. HAHAHA In my initial glance of the card I thought it was a woman on a ladder looking out the window with a telescope while the other held paper. I thought “perfect card for what Dix wrote, that nosey woman is looking out the window focusing on what’s far away or isn’t hers while the other one is trying to get her attention to show her something”.

    I looked closer & realized that’s not the picture at all. Hmm guilty conscious maybe?!?!

    As I sit in my cluttered office with tons not done I’m running with my initial view of the card and I know who’s on the ladder at the window with a telescope and that to-do list the blonde is holding isn’t going to take care of itself ya know. I’m not joking about this but an item on my to-do list is “make opthamologist appointment”, it’s been on the list for 2 years.

    Apparently tarot had LOTS to say.

  2. It says to me–don’t get lost in the details and miss the bigger picture. The one on the right in the card appears to be pointing to the rising illumination.

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