September 29

3 of Wands: Personal Choices


I’ve made a whole lot of moves over the years that 1. “sensible” people would consider a bad idea or at the very least, iffy, and 2. I couldn’t clearly see the outcome at the start.

Doing these things anyway has altered the course of my life. I’ve yet to regret a single one of those choices.

Moreover, they’ve taught me that if I take care to follow my inspiration in the moment–the one and only true point of power–the future takes care of itself.

That’s what the upcoming forecast reminds me.

Next Week in Tarot

Outlook is the Three of Wands; advice is the Six of Pentacles (Coins) reversed from the Legacy of the Divine deck. Well-loved cards!

Ever had an idea that you knew, right at the time it struck, was inspired? You felt in your gut you’d just had a great idea…until you started second-guessing yourself. Some of us start almost immediately talking ourselves out of inspirations. And we get ambiguous so we turn to others for reassurance.

Problem is, the energy you show up with is going to be reflected in others’ responses to you. So when you do the “should I or shouldn’t I?” dance, you take that angsty “I don’t know”  vibe and magnify it.

Others cannot provide that sense of excitement you feel with inspiration because you have to be in tune with it before you can feel it to begin with. And if you ARE in tune with it, you don’t give a big, fat diddly squat what anybody else thinks. See how that works?

Own your own diddly squats and protect them fiercely.

I also did a short video because, video!

Plans are still coming together. The future is on course, already. You don’t need to get yourself all wrapped up in the unfolding process, fiddling with the specifics and micromanaging the whole shebang. Doesn’t help!

Also? Don’t need to take a poll on what you should and shouldn’t be doing. Your cues are internal and frankly, we don’t need others talking us out of the wisdom carried in our own hearts, you know?

Mostly, we seek outside input when our energy is split–should I or shouldn’t I? It’s when we’re feeling uncertain, insecure or otherwise tentative that we look to others to shore us up.

Instead, cut to the chase. Get your own energy on straight first. Shore YOURSELF up and the outside support converges where your energy is already pointing. So many people try to operate the other way around and it’s always sluggish and messy.

Have you found this to be the case for you?

If you are looking to clarify what’s up with you (without being told what to do!), give me a holler for a personal consult.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Legacy of the Divine, Six of Pentacles, Three of Wands

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