OH MY GOD! Did I not tell you the Zombie Tarot is a fan of the repeats? I pulled this fresh.
(Fresh Zombies. Snort.)
And after I pulled this and another (REPEAT) for tomorrow, I thought, “Gee, I’d better do some more shuffling!” I mean, yes, I had already shuffled some before pulling cards. I always do. But I’d better do some more.
And that’s when it hit me—Zombies love to shuffle! HAHAHA!
A cheeky deck…
But anywho…we’ve got the Three of Cups. And I’m reminded of something that came up in one (or 3) of those Chakra 1-Card Reading video series I did recently: the connection between love and money.
If you’re into astrology, you know we’re talking two expressions of Venus. If we’re putting it in Charka terms, it’s the heart. But whatever terms we’re talking, if the passion in your life is blocked, shut down, shriveled up or otherwise impaired, if you’re heart’s not full-on open, you won’t be able to draw what you want, be it love or money.
Whatever you do in this realm, it doesn’t matter so much the consensus of your mother or your brother or your best friend’s dog, any of whom may think very little of you’re tying the knot with what they see as simply one of the undead. If it’s your sweetheart (and you’re hers), nothing else matters Love makes the rest flow. If it’s not, no amount of wishing is going to turn that Zombie into a princess. She has to already be YOUR princess going on.
Are you feeling the passion?
The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead
Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.
Everyday they’re shufflin’ shufflin’.