September 10

09/10/12: Not alone | 3 Cups, Chakras



Anytime I work with the Psychic Tarot Oracle, there’s a chance I’m going to run into some Chakra cards. The first few times I pulled these, they annoyed me to no end—along with the lack of Tarot Court cards and (for reasons unknown), the missing Tarot Tens. But I’ve come to see them as more useful than I did at first. Especially since I recently read with this deck and found the Throat Chakra showing up to answer a medical query. But I digress.

Here, I see a pretty simple prescription for creation and joy: Connect to source, the divine energy. Shore yourself up physically, energetically. Ground! Both above and below make up the recipe. Once that’s done, rejoice and share within your community.

The short version: You are not alone.

What do you see here?

The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards: a 65-Card Deck, plus booklet!
by John Holland

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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Crown Chakra, Psychic Tarot Oracle, Root Chakra, Three of Cups

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I don't interpret Tarot draws posted in the comments. Hire me for a personal consultation.

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  1. I see truth. I see it coming like a train in the night right at me, and it’s bringing me more emotion than I know how to handle. I’m honoring a promise I made 20+ years ago, and changing my life, and my daughter’s life, for the better right now!!!

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