“Celebrate what you want to see more of.” –Tom Peters

In honor of the New Year, I did a simple Zodiac spread for 2012! One card for each of the houses and an overview card to pull it all together from the fun Housewive’s Tarot deck. It looks like we’ve got some challenges ahead, but Tarot’s advice should help us skim the most difficult with minimal bruising. So let’s get busy!
Houses 1 – 4

1st House/Self– Rev Page of Swords: Cutting edge? Only if you’re not slicing indiscriminately, friends. No snarky for sheer shock value; that backfires. Push outmoded boundaries, yes, and you’ll get somewhere. Elsewise, you may be sending a message you didn’t intend.
2nd House/Value – Five of Pentacles: You may not be able to hold on tight to every plate you’re juggling. Fair enough; it happens, man. But you can ask for some help sweeping up. That will make you feel better. And don’t forget, broken plates or no—you still have dinner. It’s worth being grateful over.
3rd House/Communication– Rev Ten of Swords: The worst has already been said. No place to go but up from here. You can get started by acknowledging what’s really about you and what’s SO not.
4th House/home and Family – Eight of Cups: You’ve had more than enough emotional stimulation. Back off already. Better yet, switch to decaf, and your loved ones will thank you.
Houses 5 – 8

5th House/Pleasure – Five of Wands: Everything competes for your attention! Schedule downtime, fun, and especially time with a partner. It keeps your stress levels below critical mass. Recreation is a constructive outlet for tension.
6th House/Health – Rev Temperance: Eat better, get some damn sleep already, and go easy on the booze, okay? You can fit exercise into your schedule more easily if you combine it with other activities.
7th House/Partnerships –Rev Page of Pentacles: Don’t be too nitpicky with others, and don’t take them too seriously if they’re nitpicky with you. Mars is going to be in Virgo and while, and anal retentiveness is just unnecessary fighting, right there. Be discriminating.
8th House/Reincarnation –Six of Pentacles: Whatever you give out reproduces and multiplies like mad this year. Bear that in mind when you’re deciding what treats to hand out.
Houses 9 -12

9th House/Philosophy – The Hanged Man: Drop the constraints on what you “know” to be true to expand your perspective. “Infinite” is a lot to grasp, after all. Release ideas, people and situations that limit you.
10th House/Social Status – Ace of Cups: Your reputation proceeds you. And it’s precisely rooted in how you make others feel. Be gracious.
11th House/Friendships – The Fool: Friends help you find a whole, new you. Especially those who you hook up with through do-gooding enterprises. Being a good citizen of the Universe pays dividends.
12th House/Self-Undoing – Seven of Cups: Beware seeing only what you want to see or think it’s safe to see. You may be operating unconsciously by rules that no longer apply. Avoid drunk-dialing—fewer hangovers that way.
Summing Up 2012
Eight of Swords–It looks to be a demanding year on many levels. But I’ve got to say, if you feel like the kabob, it your own doing. Not trying to be unkind—I consider that good news! What you’ve done, you can also undo.
I won’t lie to you. It will take a little work, and you could get nicked up in the process. But if you make a point of staying kind and connected, you’ll have plenty of support through the rough patches. There will also be fewer rough patches. And the best part is, the growth you do en route sticks. It’s SO worth it!
What are you expecting for 2012?
![]() | The Housewives Tarot by Paul Kepple |
Follow Dixie and the Everyday Tarot on Twitter, Facebook, or Google +. Or just schedule a Tarot consultation.
Oh Dixie thank you so much for this!! Plus I love the Housewive’s Tarot.
Best Wishes to everyone this year!
Best Wishes to you, m’dear!
I did one of these last year at Elsa’s, if anyone wants to compare it with their 2011 in review… http://www.elsaelsa.com/astrology/2011/01/01/zodiac-tarot-predictions-2011/
OOOH, I can’t waint to go through last year and compare the info.
Oh, yes, looking back at 2011 would be interesting… thanks melove!! Off to it I go!
Let me just say- this is my new favorite site! I’m a for-real newbie and feel like I’m being pulled in so many ways. First Spirit Fair for moi, as well. Love it. Just need to learn more so I don’t feel like a lost idiot. Anyway, thanks for posting some “real” talk! I can’t wait to read this sucka all the way through!
WELCOME!!! I stumbled across Dixie last year when she was writing for an astrology site and her Daily Tarot would speak to me like you wouldn’t believe. I’ve had some readings with her & was amazed that we got to the bottom of some stuff I didn’t realize was an issue-it was startling & VERY healing AND more importantly she helped me dismantle my mental gerbil wheel I’d been running on for years! Quite a feat I might add.
Dixie is my pink haired tarot ninja & I can’t imagine finding anyone better or more ethical to be a newbie around.
Good luck on your Fool’s Journey!!
Blessings from Texas
Thank you so much, CancerMom.
Welcome, Kayla.
Happy New Year, Dixie! May this year bring you beautiful things.
Thank you, Marly. You too!